Aug 28Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

totally on point

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Aug 28Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I'm voting for Jill Stein.

You might want to read the Green Party platform...

Dan Ellis

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Everything is politics or impacted by politics. Those who allegedly don't pay attention will get what someone else decides.

Politics has always been a gutter sport, which is why the Dems fail when all they do is talk policy. trump managed to lower it more - into the sewer - and the media lapped it up (and since the news became a profit center when Reagan scuttled the fairness doctrine, the clicks and eyeballs are all that matter).

trump ended up being the perfect, shameless, gop politician - willing to do anything to hold on to power and to keep the money flowing into his own pocket. He wasn't a president - he was the grifter in chief.

In the end, regardless of party, a president will still need to work with congress to get anything done. Voting for some magical unicorn presidential candidate, even if they somehow could win, doesn't mean they'll accomplish anything. That's why parties have to be built from the ground up and why a proposed platform from a unicorn doesn't mean squat. If you want to get things done you better have worked to elect members of the house an senate. And you better do it at the state and local level, too, because that's where your candidates for higher office will come from.

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