Sep 3Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I am going to be the unpopular voice in the comments i guess...there is a way immigration works and another way that polarizes the country and has great detrimental effects - Germany erroneously let in everyone (likely opening it's borders as a mea culpa) Then swaths of muslims set up places to indoctrinate and brainwash their youth that anyone that didnt believe in Allah was the enemy. From the Quran [9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah. Not to mention those who came in and siphon off the system. My neighbours are from Ethiopia and my govt in Cda pays them $4800/month to live here for the next 3 yrs...Im in an apt and they live in a house that I cant afford after working 20 yrs....are people upset - you betcha - will they vote for someone who will put an end to this - what do u think...

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Sep 3Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart
Sep 4Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

That article is almost 10 yrs old and my neighbours themselves TOLD ME exactly what they and all their new friends get - they thought since thats what the Govt is giving THEM, me as a citizen must make much more than that...they were shocked when I said awww hell no we dont - rude awakening to them when they try to find work and end up making half that - zero incentive to...

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Sep 4Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Feel free to drop a more recent link documenting the amount of money migrants receive from the Canadian government. $4800/month for the next 3 years is simply not a believable number without a legit source (hearsay is not legit, even on the Internet).

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Sep 4Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

https://tudorhouseconsulting.com/how-much-money-do-immigrants-get-in-canada/ I think it differs depending on what country you are coming from as well (each Ukrainian currently also gets a $3000/person one time payment in addition to reg support) https://visitukraine.today/blog/469/ukrainians-in-canada-will-be-able-to-receive-3-thousand-dollars-of-assistance-instruction-on-how-to-do-it Im not saying any of this is right or wrong, only that it builds resentment in the citizens already living and working hard here and still broke.

My parents came from europe as refugees - back then you didnt get to choose where to live - you had to earn your way in and got assigned to work somewhere - usually remote - my mom and her siblings and parents had to work on beet fields for 2 yrs in Alberta...and there they also had to learn english.

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I really don't want to argue repeatedly here. That's not my style and I don't enjoy it like a lot of people on the internet seem to. But I do need to point out the following:

The article you link to suggest that immigrants with certain specific skills, and are fluent in either French or English, can *earn* a median pay of CA$44,600. The article doesn't state that they are *given* this money, but that they can earn that much if they are hired by a Canadian company. That's signicantly less, anyway, than your original claim of $4800/month, which is $57,600 annually.

The only actual handouts I see are for specific assistance for furniture and such. I'd love to have that assistance, too, but since I don't come from a war torn country, I don't mind people who do come from these places getting it. I'll figure things out.

Also, the Ukrainians who get a *one time* chunk of change equal to $3,000. I, for one, am glad to see that. The Russians just yesterday hammered them again with missiles. They regularly wipe out schools, hospitals, and electrical infrastructure. I don't know if the U.S. provides that kind of assistance, but they should if they don't.

Overall, there's a lot of misinformation about almost every topic in the known universe. So I always start any debate by establishing the validity or lack of validity of the premise underlying the argument.

So far, I'm still not seeing that the Canadian government is *giving* away the kind of money you're talking about. The article from Tudor House, the way I read it (the keyword is "earn") is that they are trying to present Canada as having opportunities to "earn" a decent wage, given certain conditions. One of those conditions, the article makes clear, is presenting yourself to potential employers as someone they'd want to hire.

When I do my own search, I'm pretty much directed here, to the Canadian government site on immigration and refugee assistance:


Good luck to anyone trying to get the assistance needed just by using the website, especially considering many refugees will not speak the language well, if at all. I guess there's a number you can call, but it's hard to figure out even for me, and I speak the language and know how to navigate even badly designed websites.

The implication, here, too, is that the Canadian government helps with specific items like furniture, but the information is obfuscated, so it's hard to tell. I guess that's where Tudor House comes in. They are selling themselves as an org who can assist with the process. I bet they take a cut, too.

I understand the frustration with poverty. I've been there. I spent many years in my youth digging quarters out of my couch so that I could, quite literally, buy a few potatoes to put into my empty belly. But I don't think success in life can be gained by comparing my situation with someone else's. And I definitely am not interested in interfering with the charitable work of others who are helping people in need.

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Denmark has also been very generous toward refugees causing resentment!

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It's definitely a layered issue, but the answer is not to involve Nazi propaganda. If what Bella is saying is true, then the people who are talking about fighting nonbelievers should be deported and permabanned from Germany. They don't want to integrate, fine. They can stay home.

But AfD? Not okay

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https://thesoufancenter.org/intelbrief-2024-august-28/ They dont want to integrate they want to dominate - and the rest of us are too politically correct to call them out on it. I think we are all just really nice people that don't dig any further than a headline and then champion for human rights under the trend of wokeness. Not understanding we are giving rights to people whose whole belief is Islam or die. So people who are seeing the effect of this, coupled with the financial struggles they are facing while immigrants get at least equal to what they earn - ripe environment for radical political parties to spring up like the AfD - and we wonder why they have support?

Already 20 yrs ago Sharia law was in Canada:


Germany - implementation of Sharia law...youre on German soil citizen or not you abide by that countries laws...no? From wiki:

Under certain conditions, Sharia rules on domestic relations are recognized by German courts based on private international law if no party has German citizenship. As a result, cases such as marriage, divorce, as well as many personal cases cannot be handled under German law if it is between Muslims who are not citizens.

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Yeah that's not a sane policy. It's simple: integrate or leave.

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Sep 3Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

WTF? Those posters are unreal.

Thanks for sharing this. It’s one thing to hear about it, but laying it out with all the images hits so much deeper.

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It's terrifying, and make no mistake. Most of Europe seems to be increasingly infatuated with fascism.

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