Let the buyer beware. Always.

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Sep 18Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I'm really glad you wrote this! It's a serious problem. In the past, I have worked with coaches and although some used some powerful tools to lead people to insights, some were straight up grifters. The moment I realized how they are in it for the grift was when I had a revelation that I was a codependent (which I got from meditation....not that I was a codependent but it had to do with my value and worth issues). I shared that with the coach. And she dropped me. I realized then that she WAS taking advantage of me because she already saw that....and now that I saw that, well, the grift was done. Her response should have been - see a therapist! I'm here to support you.

I also saw this recently in a coaching support group I was in.....part of the reason why I left was that I noticed how some in the group needed heavy therapy (they were constantly getting coached and when I heard their issues....yes, a form of abuse was present at some point in their lives). They need a therapist - not group discussion! I wanted to talk about my work....but even then, some in there wanted to coach me out of my job, as if they were an expert in coaching....which they weren't. It was BIZARRE! We need to regulate coaches or push them off the internet. I know I like to create content and share insights, but with 25+ years of experience, I even get pushed out or marginalized by colleagues. Everyone claims that they are an expert...in everything...it's INSANE!

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Sep 18Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Thank you, Ossiana. This is a problem at every level, it is happening IRL as well. I work in higher Ed and people read a Brene Brown book and then start presenting and offering “training” on leadership and personnel management. It’s disgusting and dismissive of the real professionals. These same people are also some of the worst bosses I’ve ever had.

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I distrust almost everyone who calls themself a coach and this is why.

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I dunno, that shady looking dude just offered to be my crypto coach and he seems legit....

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