The Hallmark Channels are hugely popular and the movies are worse than ever. The genre didn’t die out, it just went underground. Crazy Rich Asians was the last big rom-com hit I can’t think of.

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Sep 13Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Just two words:



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Sep 13Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I wonder if "Groundhog Day" falls into romcom territory.

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Sep 12Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I’m halfway through your article, and holy shit I tell my son all the time, if we watch movies from when I was growing up (80’s & 90’s) that none of it is real.

It is impossible to expect this type of behavior from other people. And also doing some of this behavior in real life is not a great way to “get the girl”.

I think you’re spot on with this.

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Sep 13Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Remember when Gerard Butler was the star of every romantic comedy? Even his face was mean, and they wouldn't stop thrusting him at us.

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Sep 13Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I wish they'd let me edit that because I don't call anyone" baby

" 70''s hip talk sexist sounding thing to me. No I didn't apologize if you were offended but I did not intend for that to be said and I didn't say it I'm going to have to call Samsung and the president of the company of course I'm just romanticizing good Lord that's going to be a big tagline around here everything's romanticize put romanticizing the lawn mower you're over romanticizing that meatloaf well now I need a big poster of you to put in the Hall of Fame in the media room or maybe room what do you call it because good deserve it now how do we implement a solution we're critical thinking people. I was thinking the same thing sort of but I can think of a way of tactful expression and I thought I would really hurt feelings and make someone at least mad and you did a really fine job I'm over Georgia even one person but it looks like everybody agrees with you the fine bunch of comments I hope this helps you. should listen to you. people stand up and take notice certainly are and you deserve the award

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Sep 13Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Totally amazing and superbly impressed and I'm not comment got deleted I'm going to get it done shortly if I can I had a lot to say about that including extraordinary useful and ethical social commentary thactful approximate or nervingly accurate. I heard it in beautiful order because it was well I'm going to impressed with you but this is very impressive this is extremely impressive it's the root of many evils not just wanted to know it's basically over sensitization and you hit the nail on the head this is why everybody's miserable love is the best thing in the universe and they screwed it up baby I don't think we did later two sides here and it's not male or female it's money versus the human spirit something but still beautiful

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Sep 12Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Hey I watch at least one Hallmark movie a day, but then, I'm retired so I have lots of time to waste. I know you can guess the rest of the movie within a couple of minutes. You even anticipate most of the dialog before it is said, but sometimes the writers sneak in a little surprise, and you will treasure it! Sigh!

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Sep 12Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Great article and observation. There is one time period where the rom-com is banished in the USA.

Xmas and Hallmark Movies :)

But seriously though, I have made this observation for a few decades when suggesting a way to repair the gender "divide" in the mating/dating dance.

Men should consume less porn and read more romance novels

Women should consume less romance novels and embrace more porn (ethically sourced and consent based obviously)

The reasoning and rational is that folks always get an ick response, because the core of the comment is that porn and romance novels are insidious in similar levels for different reasons.

Not many people in my travels evolved to my next talking point on this statement over the years, but since I know you "get it" ....

Men and women should both communicate honesty and be open and curious together to create the romance novels and/or porn that writers would want to write about.

As for the post 2016 drift as I like to call it (personally in my head mind you since I don't travel anymore like I used to), I think women see the men in rom-coms and while "safe"ish they get triggered now because that "guy" in the movie / TV situation gives a "Nice Guy" vibe.

We all know where that goes ...

So who wants triggered with that feel or the longing of what isn't?

Women ...

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Before the rom-coms were the horrible romance novels filled with abusive males and stupid, naive, masochistic women. I grew up with those and realized decades later that even though I didn’t think I was affected by them, they made marrying an abusive and withholding man seem normal.

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