Sep 23Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana, I am happy to support everything you do. You are a terrific writer with *so much to offer*. I will subscribe six times over, if need be. Just let me know. And to everyone else reading - Ossiana is the real deal. A terrific, heartfelt, never ever undersold and talented writer. She deserves success. Subscribe now.

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Sep 23Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Maybe you're just trying to cover too many topics over too large a range. I find myself super interested when you write about politics and the economic struggles of lower middle-class and working-class families and individuals. The genocides in Gaza and Darfur are on top of my list of topics , as well as the republican march toward authoritarianism, if not outright fascism. The attempts of politicians to kick solutions to climate change, hunger, and homelessness down the road of studies, committees, and gutless legislation despite having mountains of data available to help solve the problems.

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I'm going to give you a special lifetime comp to the new politics and RR blogs so you get those streamlined. Just go, like, share them, recommend them, and subscribe. I got you. You've been a loyal fan so it's good to go.

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Sep 24Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

If you have a lot of paid subscribers dropping off just lately, I'd say its a timing thing. You put out a call for paid subscribers just over a year ago. So a lot of subscriptions would have been coming up for renewal lately. It was a bit of a scrounge to "suddenly " come up with $55 CDN, when I hadn't been planning on that. Although, I did get your notice in email to remind me it was coming due, which was good.

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Sep 24Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Also, I no longer receive emails alerting me to any new articles you have posted. I am "old school" and read on my Windows-based computer through the website. I had to sign up for "the app" to join a discussion or a thread or something, and since then, no more emails. Sigh... Now, I only get a "digest" type email once a week, or something, that has a bunch of different authors in it, not specifically your stuff. So, now I have to actively go looking for your articles, instead of just being able to click on the link in an email. I preferred the "old way", before I got the app.

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I gotta see if I can fix this

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Sep 23Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I love your work! For me it is all about money - my budget is tiny, and at present, discretionary spending is maxed out already. But I think you have a solid idea, splitting paid content by ‘interest stream’ provided you are able to continue with some unpaid, to keep us poor folks here in hopes that we can afford to convert one day! It is also a good idea to have lower fees due to the streaming, for the same reason.

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Sep 23Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I just tried to flip to a paid membership and got an error message that Substack is experiencing technical difficulties and cant process right now. I will try again later. As a reader, I would say one of the biggest problems for writers like you on Substack, is that people can’t manage their subscription in the app. I read everything through the app on my tablet. Any email I receive goes straight into an archives folder to keep my inbox somewhat manageable. Anytime Im reading and want to become a paid subscriber, the ‘manage subscription’ links in an article never work, you have to do it through email. It’s extremely frustrating not to be able to manage subscriptions from the app. Im not super tech savvy, but i just went searching through my emails so I could subscribe to you and the last one I got was 4/24 - yet, I’m an unpaid subscriber and read every thing you post. The point is not to express my tech problems, but to say Substack sure doesn’t make it easy for readers to support their favorites. I will try again later today and see if the glitch not letting me become a paid subscriber is resolved.

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Sep 23Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I have no idea why people would drop you. You are fantastic writer and should be more profitable. It is hard to be a paid subscriber to all the amazing journalists on here. It’s like when cutting cable was economical but then you got nickel and dimed to death on individual streaming services. I wish there was a ‘package’ where you could just pay $50 a month (or something) and get unlimited access to your favorites.

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Sep 23Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I was happy to see Thom Hartmann give you a big shout-out regarding the rom-com article. Unfortunately, I read someone else (I don’t recall who) who was writing on the same topic and only gave him credit. Hang in there, your time is coming!!

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Definitely understood. My bigger worry is that longtime subs have started to all drop me and I'm like, 'Please tell me why."

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Sep 23Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

Wish I could...job situation is terrible.

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Do not know how here to DM.

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I’m also on Instagram at @ossiana.makes.content

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If you want to collaborate with me ever, I am willing. I’ll write some stuff for you if you want.

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DM me on Insta @ossiana.makes.content or in the DMs

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