Aug 22Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

This says it ALL!!! This whole topic makes my blood boil. Great article. I’m 64, and it boggles my mind that these people have hijacked the feminist movement. I love the term ‘feminazi’ to describe them. After all, were the Nazis not the ultimate example of intolerance? I have the greatest regard possible for the move towards a non-binary society. That frees us all, IMO. Wear what you wish, love who you love: ‘if it harm none, do as ye will…”

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Aug 23Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

“I consider myself a feminist but there's something rotten at the core of the ideology.” ??? Because feminazis etc pervert the ideology, it is the ideology that is wrong? Ummmmm - not sure I correctly understood what you are saying here, wonder if you would clarify…

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The next line: "It's not the beliefs."

The problem isn't wanting equal rights. It's tribalism. It's creating an external enemy and an ingroup, so if they differ from what you're familiar with then they're automatically a threat and anyone from your camp is beyond reproach so they can then radicalize the tribe because no one stands up and says "Aren't you going a little far?"

I've seen plenty of people who consider themselves feminists going off about something, and if you simply reversed the genders in their comment, it would be the most insane misogynistic rant, and they refuse to see the irony.

As I said, I used to mess with Nazis online. I studied them. One of the things they love to do is create a fake account, put up a pride flag on their profile picture, and then go into leftist spaces and start spouting off fascist ideology. And it works. People go along with it because they don't have a filter. No one goes "Wait a minute, I've heard this somewhere before." and never reject the ideas, and it works to radicalize them, and then the Nazi can take that, how people are agreeing with them, show it to moderates, and get them more radicalized too.

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The core of mainstream feminism doesn't involve multiracial and multicultural views. We also have the core issue of people coopting the term to enforce gender norms and bully others.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

So my personal experiences with feminazis is a little different and a very long story. I've written about it in my first article but frankly it's a bit of a boring read and I need to rewrite it.

Anyways my main confrontation was on twitter. A woman was going off about how you shouldn't believe anecdotal evidence, and the context was she was choosing to ignore a guy who was claiming to have been sexually abused by his female babysitter as an example of women who prey on men. To me that wasn't feminist, and stunk of the opposite of 'believe all women' with genders reversed. A real feminist fights for a mans right to not be abused as a child as well and believes them, or at least doesn't treat them like shit for telling their story.

So I told my story. It's about how I knew 2 sex workers when I was young and they were murdered by a serial killer. The killer could have been caught had the police listened to a woman who escaped from his property. She ran screaming down the road in handcuffs, and when the police picked her up they decided she was crazy and threw her in a psych ward and never checked up on her claims. He continued to kill women for 5 more years. The point being that's the reason you listen to people and don't automatically disregard their narrative just because you think they sound crazy.

Because this conflicted with her beliefs, the woman I was talking to flipped out. I actually thought she was a MAGA because she was suddenly making really weird excuses. That's when her friends showed up. They attacked me for hours in an organized mob while she sat back and laughed. I was subjected to literally every dirty trick in the book. They lied about being a group when there was about 25 of them, knowing each other when they've been friends for years, used personal insults, told me I was 'tokenizing' my friends, that it didn't happen, everything. About 4000 people saw the conversation, and literally no one pointed out that they were acting insane.

I used to mess with Nazis online, like real ones. Swastikas and SS helmets and 'the 14 words', all of it, and even real Nazis never acted so... insane.

I consider myself a feminist but there's something rotten at the core of the ideology. It's not the beliefs but a lot of the people who can get away with saying or doing anything, and it causes these chain reactions of radicalization, anti-sex views, anti-trans, misanthropy, misandry, 'return to monk' which turned into 'tradwifing' and activists who use the same methods that Joseph Goebbels popularized during the rise of the 3rd Reich.

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For the love of GOD please PLEASE stop appending RF to TE. It only serves to validate them.

And #wellactually (sorry! but I was there. Still am - a militant radical feminst. Except an actual radfem. There is nothing remotely feminist, let alone radical, about running around the internet checking other people's junk.)

Thanks to 4Ch^n dually dopple-ganging on Twitter as both radfems and trans to troll and harass radical feminists while posing as trans, and doing the same thing back to trans while posing as radical feminists, somehow conservative wing-nuts heard about this and the association that stuck, for them, was that radical feminists hate trans. And they came *flooding* into radical feminism - by virtue of being women. Now, in the wake of Roe and Dobbs, good luck finding a self-identifying "radical feminist" who *doesn't* hate trans, who has any radical theory whatsoever, who even knows what "radical" refers to. It's a complete shitshow, they've sucked all the air out of the room and jumped in bed with the right, and and and.

4Ch^n's stated objective was often to try to harass a trans woman into either unaliving herself, or murdering a radfem. Bonus for both.

I wish I were making this shit up.

Back to the present: it pretty much says it all that these women, who insist trans women are men, also insist that ~~what is referred to presently as~~ "radical feminism" center these purported "men"

- and to the exclusion of all else.

Good luck finding or even generating any dialogue on Dobbs, or reproductive rights, or the plight of women and girls in Afghanistan, or Iran, or India, or or or. It's all (anti-)trans, all the time. They've bastardized the concept of GC to the point that some number of self-identifying GCs are actually very strongly borderline biological essentialists. (I knoooow...)

Incidentally, it was also the early paleo-incel d00dbros who pushed the SWERF agenda by deliberately seeking out wims in the RF community who were any kind of prominent/outspoken as being trafficking survivors, and labeling them anti-sw as a way of silencing what they considered opposition. The SW/sex-pozzie/choosey-choice movement gobbled this up, predictably, and continues to do so to this day - ostensibly in the name of women's health and safety. This is particularly ironic considering if the care and concern for SW health and safety were any degree of genuine, all the effort spent condemning and demonizing these survivors would instead be spent listening to them and their experiences and seeking ways to protect and prevent the exploitation and victimization they survived and escaped.

All I can say at this moment is: **ffs stop applying the RF in TE - being referred to as such is a powerful validation for them.**

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Not to be confused with Parker Posey …

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