Sitemap - 2021 - Ossiana Tepfenhart

That's why most people couldn't stand being an escort. It's hard work that fucks with your mind.

That's what happened to Kayla when she moved to Korea so she could get married off.

I wear men's clothes and androgynous clothes because I came out as nonbinary.

Kayla used to dress in boy's clothes to "not tempt men." She didn't wear a dress until she was 18.

Yo, it took me 30 years to realize that the emphasis I had on "the guy gets the girl" and "a man…

It was wild writing this and then seeing the reaction.

Drinking sessions at that place were weird.

I've often heard that the male version of lingerie is a well tailored suit. Might be right

So, your solution is to lower our standards?

Still better than being with someone who doesn't like me.

10 Signs You’re A Woman Who Grew Up In Purity Culture

I really hope you heal.

Dude, there is so much wrong with the way that nerds behave with Asian women.

I see a lot of me in Lisa. Damn.

It was a strange workplace.

I really want to see that get normalized, but then I get scared that Karen-style behavior will…

Having been an escort, I assure you that they know how to seduce.

If I ever (god forbid) end up a widow or divorce, I wanna have an old lady who lived in the 50s as…

My mom had a roommate my age.

I love this article so much.

I'd definitely look into a new place to live ASAP.

Can I be added on?

Unpopular Opinion: I Don’t Owe You Politeness

We went out for drinks a bunch and talked about our private lives.

Okay, several things:

4 Vital Business Lessons I Learned From My Former Bosses

You might be onto something.

Refinery29, Vogue, Elle....

I mean, they can and they can't.

I keep forgetting that about Israel.

The most strikingly pretty woman I ever saw had dark, DARK skin and brilliant golden eyes.

The fact that you're getting so many butthurt replies shsows that guys realize they can't offer…

Please stay away from women.

I hid it because it had a direct attack on me.

This is more about trends than anything.

Is there any reason why you seem so hellbent on arguing on my sources and my own life experience?

This is basically how I started to realize it wasn't fun anymore.

I was this person, until I wasn't. I feel this on a huge level.

I might start doing that.

I wanted to do phone sex but I have a voice that sounds like an androgynous teenage robot.

I am so sorry you had to go through that.

4 Seduction Lessons I Learned From Befriending Elite Escorts

I should write about the worst post-sex meltdown I ever witnessed. It involves poodles.

Yo, I am with this definition. For me, my biggest party is when I make tacos in my kitchen.

I mean, I added a source that shows it's a thing and explained why it happens as someone who's had…

Yep. Never again am I donating to those narcissists.

Nothing about this said it was Brig's fault.

I still remember shouting "WHO LOVES ORANGE SODA!?!!?!!"

I offered my home to a pet rescue dog.

I mean, I added a source in my article showing that it is a known phenomenon.

Suzanne, yours is a story that makes me want to hug you.

Oh, trust me, I realized that it's their loss.

Just No MIL: When His Mother Is The Other Woman

Nuclear warhead, more like.

Oh, the guy who did this with me came crawling back when I got engaged to my husband.

That absolutely is a thing. And that's something I learned the hard way.

I agree with a lot of points, but it doesn't behoove men to tell girls they're "choosing the wrong…

This hit me hard. I was a mall rat and I low key panic about the mall near my mom's.

I should make an article on it.

It's often a very well hidden desperation, but yeah, a lot of girls do run from them.

It isn’t that issue. I even gave him a list of things he could add. He just…didn’t.

Trust me, I've been there.

“My Ex Treats His New Girlfriend Better Than Me!”

So, I actually WAS the in-house SEO and branded content writer for Vocal when it was first launched.

Weed is not a “drug” drug. I’m talking about highly addictive hard drugs like coke and speed.

Is this a church, cause you are preaching to the choir! I feel that so hard.

Women pay a fuckton for their looks and risk far more dating men than men do.

Visicleta, I very much understand. It suck so bad, because otaku culture had so much promise.

No, it really happened.

Yo! I always called that the Asshole Tax. Easiest way to get them away.

Hypebeast-Obsessed Fuckboys Play Themselves, And It’s Funny AF To Me

Why “Be Yourself” Is The Worst Advice I Ever Got

You sound like a pleasant person. How's that working out for you?

This means a lot to me.

Same. If I find my daughter bringing a guy like that home, I’ll usher him out and have a talk with…

These are absolute facts.

Yep, and it's so funny since they always beg to have you as an option. I'm like, "No bitch!"

I'm a cappucino person, myself.


They were still my coworkers.

Okay, three things:

Ok natalist.

The Unique Isolation Of Being A Man Suffering From Abuse

This spoke to me.

I'm turning into a hermit myself. I've basically withdrawn from mainstream society at this point.

Agreed. I used to be a hardcore otaku. I refuse to associate with them now.

When Being A Nerd Is A Red Flag: My Problem With Anime Fandom

I would love to get the full story.

Yes and no. It depends on the drug. Weed and shrooms won't kill you. Ketamine and oxycodone will.

I don't know.

I'm going to get into what is wrong with this later.

I Used To Confront People Who Ghosted Me. Here’s Why I Stopped.


Women definitely feel exploited by men, that’s for sure.

And I am all for it.

You are not alone, and a lot of women are actually collectively dropping off dating because guys…

I've actually started to work on an article about this.

My dude, that stuff is very wrong and it is actually very toxic.

Yep, trust me, I know alcoholism kills. Almost put me in a wheelchair thanks to my blood disorder.

That's a New Yorker phrase: "You do you. I do me."

Is this supposed to be that "alpha fux, beta bux" stuff?

What Cosmo says it is and what it really is are two different things.

I definitely think there is something there. It's always nuanced, but there is a lot to explain.

I want to be part of Writers’ Blokke!

I definitely think that deserves an article of its own. Thoughts?

My dude, the "alpha" thing was based on flawed science.

You are absolutely right, and I should apologize for that.

I do believe they do.

Oh, I know.

John, if I could pack you up and ship you to my female friends, I would.

That's why I don't want to pan Playboy as a brand.

A large percentage of my friends were street kids. So, I saw it up front and started to wonder.

That's why we're going to be talking about the Orgasm Gap a little bit more.

The 5 Hardest, Most Painful Truths About Gold Diggers Men Need To Face

Why Is It So Rare To See Drug Addicts Over 35?

That only happened once!!!

Believe it or not, the sexual revolution did benefit women.


I want to be a writer! @ossiana.tepfenhart

You are making me blush!

You are wildly strong, mama.

I have seen this happen a lot, especially with my husband's DJing.

5000 followers and a lot of people agreeing say no, kind sir.

I think #metoo and the current atmosphere is starting to work to that extent.

Sounds like you don't actually want to listen to women and that you'd rather just get confirmation…

Ugly Truth: Hugh Hefner Was Both A Sex Rights Activist And A Trafficker

I believe in you.


How Reading Women’s Magazines Got My Guyfriend Tons Of Dates

You could have taken this moment of reading to reflect or to grow and find ways to improve yourself.

I'd read it.

So, blame women for trusting men? Sealioning? Okay, two can play this game.

Sounds like you hate men being called out on shit behavior.

It's a fine line.

Why Your Ex Suddenly Wants Sex After You’ve Broken Up

So, I was an original in-house writer for Vocal before it blew up.

I like this take.

Feel free to share it with others who you feel need it. Also, check out

Oh you are going to feel this.

One of my closest friends is ace.

You actually have a lot of good points.

Dude, those guys are absolute bros!

It's interesting you point that out.

A lot of guys who are “bad boys,” particularly gang members and clubkids, struggle with addictions…

How many drugs are you on? This is not even coherent.

I'm not the one huffing and puffing about paying over dinner.

Sound like you want sex for little to no effort and think women are entitled for wanting to see…

True story.

Oh, I agree with you. I actually wrote about transactionality in this piece:

I would love to interview you for an upcoming article, if I could.

This is actually very common.

What exactly is the point of this comment?

No, You’re Not Broken If You Don’t Want Sex

This is not what we’ve been seeing.

I mean, Chad doesn't really exist per se.

I'm going to eventually make an article calling out what a myth the "good geek" is.

LGBTQIA+ Squad! *high five*

Not going to lie, I saw clips about the PanAm flights and was a bit envious. That was the life!

It happens. This is America, right?

I imagine many are.

Saying women choose wrong blames the victim.

I'm actually going to be writing a series about this phenomenon. You are not alone, brother!

Real talk.

Here’s The Real Tea On Why “Bad Boys” Get Girls…

10 Simple Signs That You’re Great In Bed

You seem like a fragile man.

Sounds like you don't need to read my rubbish.

Rape is not consensual.

I was reading your comments and they are really amazing.

If I didn't hate MRAs before, I hate them now. They truly are evil men.

There is going to be a point of reckoning when men will literally be falling apart at the seams and…

K. Sounds like you don't need to read my shit. Blocked.

Ohhhhh no! This is something I need to pass onto my husband. He needs his flash drives

Absolutely. I actually am a fan of casual swinging, nightlife, and unicorning for this reason.

Cats are awesome! Hubby and I want to get one. You're pretty awesome, Gio

I feel you.

JFC, how many words do you need to say you haven't had a normal relationship with sex in your life?

Mm. Yeah, because shaming women for the acts of others makes sense. Blocked!

You know, everything you're saying is so insanely true it's kind of wild.

I mean, I don't think femininity is always a must, but you know what?

The thing is, if you see some sign that resonates on my list, that alone should make you hit the…

If I divorce, that's it. I'm done. No more men in my life. My husband is a once-in-a-lifetime man.

Excuse me? "Ought to put women in their place?"

The Curse Of “Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda…”

5 Signs Your Ex Had An Exit Affair

It's not always that easy and the truth is that it's the abuser's decision to abuse.

Trust me when I say that abuse is not the fault of the victim.

I see where you're going, but you're missing the point of this entire issue.

It sucks, but you cannot help a woman who does not want to leave.

Trust me, a lot of women feel your way. You deserve the love and freedom you want, my brother. <3

7 Signs You Should Not Date Women (At Least, For Right Now!)

You are going to love my upcoming article


Are we in church? Because I wanna ask, CAN I GET AN AMEN?!

I already blocked one guy because he was like "the owner is the real victim here."

I low key look at curls and marvel at them.

Also random question...Would

Yikes. I'd be embarrassed if I were you.

Moreover, marriage is not the same as being kept.

Trafficking and being kept are eerily similar.

This. And even then, you might not want them back after they change.

This means a lot. I learned the hard way when I was trafficked.

The Cow And The Wolf: Why It Doesn’t Pay To Rely On Your Partner

Please tell me you confronted the people who did this to you.

Porn journalist and former sex worker here.

I’ve written public reviews on Google.

You know, when I hear stories like this, I fully advocate for the abused spouse to pack up and…

Please tell me you confronted them.

You deserve so much more support, Zara. Anyone raising four kids does.

I really wish that a law would be passed that would allow doctors to be criminally prosecuted for…

Just make sure that you vet girls.

“Enjoy Dying Alone With All Your Cats!”

I'm not even sure what you're trying to do here.

Literally just did an article on my horror story of birth and trying to get sterilized.

Exactly. Motherhood and kids are a sacred cow.

If that’s how you feel, you probably should seek out a woman on your levels.

Have you considered confronting her about this?

I learned how to pee standing up when I went clubbing in Newark and had to use a gas station…

I personally advise women not to give birth in America if they can help it.

It can be great.

I'll let you figure that out.

Can we please be friends? This is the most awesome thing I've read in ages.

Yeah. Most households can't afford to be single earners.

Have you considered not doing the chores?

Ah. Sounds like it's time to cut off her health insurance, get her off the bank account, and serve…

I think the comments speak for themselves. The straights are NOT OK, lol.

Not transactional but conditional. I wrote about the difference in gamified dating.

It’s definitely a “when shit hits the fan” thing.

Sounds like a you problem.

If sleeping with a woman makes her unmarriageable to you, then you're the problem.

Cut off his health insurance, get him off your bank account, and serve an eviction notice.

If all you can do is dangle "a good man would never want you," you've already lost the argument.

Per week. And here's the source for women who work full time AND care for the kids:

Oh, I’m married.

Dude, you have no idea how bad you sound on these comments.

Love and companionship can be gotten through a boyfriend who doesn't live with you.


The pro-life movement is trying to push women back into a position of vulnerability.

Dude, this gave me chills.

I don’t allow victim blaming on my comments section. Argue again, and you’re blocked.

White women are their own worst enemies 9 times out of 10.

Sometimes, you just gotta take your life jacket and walk away.

Me too. I'm very pro-sterilization, which is why I want it to be legally mandated that doctors have…

I have an open adoption with mine because I knew I'd be a terrible parent at the age I was at.

Motherhood is not for everyone.

I'm glad you had a different experience than my friends who raised toddlers, but the truth is that…

Why Motherhood Sets Women Up For Misery

If that's your experience with women, I am so sorry that happened to you.

I feel a bit embarrassed for you that you even wrote that. Statistics are there.

That's fine.


Oh no. Not this crap. If all you see us as is an object, stay the fuck away from us.

Zara, I am so sorry that you're going through this.

People look at me and are shocked when I tell them, "School shootings happen in schools that made…


It happens both ways.

I Don’t: When Marriage Is No Longer Beneficial To Women

Some men can’t help but try to control the narrative because they can’t look at themselves in the…

Your blood will boil when I talk about my pregnancy experience in my upcoming work about motherhood.

If men think they know women's lives better than women do, maybe it's for the best they don't talk…

Did you see the male version I made?

Gamified Dating: The Biggest Issue I’m Seeing In The Dating World Today

I think that's the problem.

Very true

You might enjoy the reverse I did of this article.

You know, I wasn't raised to understand consent.

I wish I could send this to the guys who had sex with me when I was a teenager.

It's actually amazing that antivaxxers can't figure out why they can't date.

Any woman who is dating a man who votes GOP is complicit in her own demise.


Nope. Nuh-uh.

Wait till you hear about ASMR or cuckqueaning.

If you ever have a topic you want me to cover, hit my Twitter!

That means a lot, my dude <3

6 Things That Make Men Hate Women

Trust me, hate against any gender isn't healthy.


This is absolutely true.

I’m legit embarrassed for you, bro.

You might like my article on porn and how it tends to affect men.

This is such an unhealthy look, my dude.

Yeah, because blaming victims of abuse and not shaming abusers is totally attractive.

I actually wrote about my thoughts on porn as a porn journalist.

You are going to love my upcoming article.

I was basically this person too.

Passing the buck is the American way.

Wow. Yeah, I don’t tolerate misogyny in readers. Please seek help, but I’m blocking you

5 Things That Make Women Hate Men

That was before I married.

Did you read the part where I said I paid for dates when I asked men out?

I mean, sex, drugs, and raves kinda saved my life.

You raise a good point here.

Ohhhh no. We're not doing this breastfeeding debate here.

Exactly. And rather than doing things that would calm someome down, like regularly just invite them…

This is literally half of my friends.

When I decide to be female, I was this woman. It is kind of a mark of shame for me now

What Working In Porn Taught Me About Sex

I need to do an article on the shit I've seen.

I definitely feel a kinship with you there.

You might like my piece on my own shunning experience.

Did you miss the part that said I paid for dates' dinners?

Cool. You don't have to read my stuff.

I didn't really have much of a choice in a lot of it, if you get my drift.

Exactly. Like, it's a fucking deadly thing.

This was so me.

Facts, I was a douche here.

Bullying is definitely worse now, primarily because fighting back is banned and because internet…

I grew up in a culture which said "violence good, sex bad."

I do think having guns is part of the problem.

Why Are People Still Baffled By The Rise In School Shootings?

I actually wrote about that.

Talking to adult film stars gives you a unique insight into the subject of desire.

“Expired?” My dude, humans don’t have an expiration date unless they’re dead.

I have a wonderful article that actually addresses the PTSD men face. You might like it!

I’m a porn journalist. I actually have an article about how I got into the biz.

Can confirm. As an alcoholic, I buried my pain in booze.

You're going to see that I just published something on purity culture.

“She Cried At Her Post-wedding Breakfast Because Everyone Knew She Had Sex.”

It's literally on stuff at every Home Goods store. I mean, that's where I got my old wine mom gear.

Oh, it absolutely was for the same reasons.

This is a great point.

Why I No Longer Go To Goth Clubs

Stupid me thought they were feminists because they said they were. I was very naive.

Oh, absolutely.

It's weird.

9 Shockingly Common Reasons Why Dead Bedrooms Happen

Or, or, or...Maybe

Exactly what I experienced.

This is exactly it.

Divina, I don't know you as a person, but I have been you too.

I love this. It sounds delightfully California!

I have been this woman and your words literally have me shook.

Very true. Things are starting to change with that, but it's still so unsafe for so many boys.

While I don't believe a man's inherent value can be taken away or that a woman's expires, the rest…

I'm all for banning fraternities and sororities.

Oh, it's definitely a global thing.

I've found that LGBTQIA relationships have a unique set of traumas and problems that show up in a…

I met most of my homies (girls and guys) at concerts.

Did you read the part where I said it’s sometimes men being unlucky and it’s not their fault?

This is a remarkably honest truth.

Oh, I actually wrote something about normalizing singledom.

It's more like, I put up with abuse from them because I felt they would truly see what I was worth…

It's definitely a cultural thing. I think we could learn a couple of things from Germany.

Women Almost Turned Me Into An Anti-Feminist

I'm reporting on what I'm seeing.

You know, if it's all men like you who are "firing" us, I think that's perfectly fine.

I definitely see where you're coming from.

I always appreciate interesting, non-hostile comments. Helps me think.

For the life of me, I do not understand why so many people absolutely refuse to see this.

Thank you!

It's definitely a thing I've noticed.

Why apologize when you're correct.

I feel this in my soul.

Ever notice how popular people are the plainest motherfuckers in the world after school?

Exactly. I have dropped hundreds on dates with guys too.

The fact that I have these manchildren trying to pull whataboutism on this article is just...I'm

Whataboutism isn't going to fly with this article.

Here’s Why Guys Grieve Relationships Longer Than Women

Honestly, I'm all for men going their own way if it helps them heal. Same with women.

It's more like, men are doing absolutely nothing to make women want to meet them.

It's so true. And people think it is so silly when I say I'd never let my kid watch Springer.

You are a wise man and your future partner is a lucky one!

Oh my god yes! I actually should write about that too!

I ran out of shame at my peak addictions.

Let's not forget that it also tends to worsen depression in women.

I mean, I love my Botox, but that's because I just like my face being frozen.

No, Guys, Asking You To Pay For A Date Is Not “Entitled”

Oh, I wrote a whole article about the damaging effects of dating on modern men. Checky!

It is not just you. People absolutely conflate TV with reality.

It may be time to consider talking to a professional.

I definitely feel this.

Definitely one of the nicest outlooks I've seen.

I like the cut of your jib, Fuzzy! I actually wrote about the need to normalize singledom too.

Spitting straight facts and killing it!

I mean, I married a DJ.

So many red flags. I don't even know where to begin.

You are literally blaming women for trusting men.

After seeing how my homie's chain got stolen, my heart broke a little.

You must find my dating advice to be very refreshing then.

It's good to have an article I can paste when I hear men wail about "BUT WAMMEN ARE AT FAULT FOR…

Midnight at sleepover:

I had something similar happen, then he made fun of my then recently-dead grandfather.

Here’s Why Your Ex Hit You Up Again Years Later…

While I understand where you're ocming from, you have to remember that abuse is never a victim's…

Absolutely. Men have a right to decide "enough is enough" with the lady folk too.

I remember when me and my then-friend stole our moms' jewelry and buried it in a compost heap…

It does, but it takes getting used to.

I know you love them as a couple, but what she's doing is severely fucked up.

I had to actually write this as a result of a rather disturbing reply someone sent me.

I'd love to join Beloved, if you'd have me!

Dude, that woman is so wrong for doing this to her husband.

Believe it or not, I think schools need a complete overhaul.

Men Who Blame Women For Being Abused Are Trash. Full Stop.

And no one ever says a peep.

Trust me when I say dumping on them was not what I mean to do.

I linked my source.

Randy, I think that might be because you're doing something right that a lot of other guys aren't.

I'm good for right now, but appreciate the offer. One love!

I found my path in paganism, but I will always party with someone who doesn't judge, loves his…

In the paraphrased words of Gandhi, "Christ, I like.

Personally, I don't think most men or women should marry.

Insinuating that I'm not part of the hip hop scene and slut-shaming me is not appropriate or okay.

Wine Mom Life Is Killing Women

Is there any reason why you're being this disrespectful?

Aw, you're making me blush!

Guys Are Grieving The High School Girlfriends They Never Had

I actually think that there should be disclaimers with porn streaming about how it's not like…

This means a lot to me! Thank you!

I don't know if I am fully in agreement here, but I definitely see where you're coming from.

Yep. You're trying to ignore reality and argue with statistics I sourced.

Yikes. I mean, if basic concern for the other party is too much for you and wanting to make sure…

EXACTLY! That's what I'm trying to do!

Have you seen my male-centric writing?

1. You did not deserve that happening to you and I am so sorry it did.

I have my issues with that book, but the truth is that walking away is always warranted when a…

Have you seen my article for men?

Parental restrictions need to be a thing, and parents need to talk to their kids about porn.

Blocked and reported.

I definitely understand that sentiment. It's definitely okay to know when you have to walk away.

Chasing Sirens: A Porn Journalist Speaks About Problematic Porn Use

Or Lifetime!

I am totally down for this. Add me @ossiana.tepfenhart

If you don’t like women, don’t fuck us ❤

Chad is not the problem here. Your lack of introspection is. Blocked!

Ohhh I have an article for you coming soon! I’m a BHM fan myself!

Bingo! I know that a lot of my writing comes off like women are walking away or similar, but the…

Misogyny is not tolerated here. Blocked and reported.

I genuinely hope that this is satire.

I always try to spit straight facts.

Very balanced advice here! A breath of fresh air.

Dude, that poor, poor woman. That is mortifying.

You might like this article I wrote:

That's going to be another article, with a twist.

I did a whole article about women leaving the dating scene because of men's horrid behavior.

Facts lol.

Oh, they're under my name.

Oh, I'm going to talk about women soon.

For the life of me, I don’t understand how guys can literally hop into bed with just anyone.

You ask someone out, you pay. Period. Basic manners. Women already make an uneven investment.

I try!

Couples are on the decline.

It is absolutely traumatic. I can relate. Fuck mom politics.

I apologize if me choosing a random person offended you.

I literally linked to the article that gave me that stat. Argue with them, not me.

Check out my sex advice for men article list!

Relationships take effort. It’s not just “Come and get a bitch.”

Yikes, bro.

I thought he looked familiar! Nope, I’m an Ossiana and I am a pansexual enby lol.

Did you see this one I wrote?

11 BASIC AF Skills Everyone Should Learn Before They Start Dating

I love your inclusivity and the cut of your jib!

It's called "Chasing Sirens!"

Not sure I would agree on the toxic masculinity parts.

I actually am writing an article on porn and how it’s a tool. You might like this.

It's really weird to see it in action, I'll tell you that much.

Yes. If a person asks another person out, platonically or otherwise, it’s normal to at least offer…

You would be shocked at how hard it is for some guys to shell out any money, even for their own…

If you think this is so fulfilling, why aren't you a stay at home dad?

I always tell women that pregnancy will destroy their lives if it's not a pregnancy the woman wants.

Same, especially in the rave scene. Lost at least a couple dozen that way.

Oh, I have a soft spot for punks.

Oh, I'm going to be talking about that in December.

I'm going to be getting into my issues with my own scene.

It sucks, but they totally should read this.

I never understand how they can be shocked when the mail order bride leaves.

For women or men?

Was goth, not scene.

So, is your "About Me" supposed to be ironic?

Absolutely! Never set yourself on fire to keep others warm.

I was 18 in '06.


If these guys keep it up, report their profiles.

Great! So you don't mind if women are not dating you too, right?

Dude, if you hate women so much, stop dating us and stop fucking us.


Most of these women can and do make their own money---possibly more than what men do.

Attacking me is not respectful. And I don't feed trolls.

This is absolutely terrible dating advice that sets up women for abuse.

Yaaas! This is some king/queen level stuff here!

Someone should tell her friend what she truly thinks about her.

Would you like me to block you?

Here's the thing.

Cool story bro. Sounds like you're angry at women. Feel better.

Jesus. Not everything has to be about men.

Did you read my lastest article about men who have PTSD from dating? Also, I hope you heal.

And men don't do that, too?

The thing is, this IS a problem that stems from male behavior.

Honestly, I think accidental relationships are the ones most likely to succeed.

Men Get PTSD From The Dating Scene, Too.

Loneliness kills. Literally.

If you invite someone out, you pay for the outing. Simple as pie. That's basic manners.

Nope. This was under a different comment where the guy told me to "enjoy my lone, hag life."

It’s how my husband and I met.

Question, Skip, why do you read feminist stuff just to tell us we're manhaters and stereotyping or…

Most men, it seems, would rather kick and scream than do anything that could benefit anyone other…

I'm the one in the purple.

Just so you know, that's a really unhealthy look at things.

I'm never setting foot in an office like that again.

Okay, disrespecting someone for asking for basic manners is not okay. You're getting blocked.

I’d rather see people who don’t settle and avoid being in a relationship they resent than people…

Did you even read the article bro? A lot of that shit, I explicitly said was not the guy’s fault.

If you don’t like my writing, don’t read it. Simple.

Practice makes perfect in bed. And less sexual hangups. And more mature outlooks on sex.

A friend of mine worked with KISS.

Angi, I get that you are an MRA and don't like my work.

Cool. Since I piss you off and am not kowtowing to you, should I block you?

You seem to be very upset about me discussing what happened to me.

I absolutely understand the need for NSA from time to time.

To be fair, I heard Gene Simmons is a bad lay.

The thing is, men often rely on women for their social lives.

Normalize Singledom, Please!

I mean, generally I think the incentive is not dealing with being blacklisted from social circles.

If you view women as competition and behave this way, I genuinely hope you heal.

Yep. You are not alone.

Wait till you get the lewds and demands for sex

If they find no benefits, they don’t have to play. Simple. Women are quitting, so are men,

Yep. Men think women have it good.They do not.

I mean, I'd rather him fawn over people who don't want him than have him settle for someone he…

Sounds like you are cheap and want women to do all the work.

Honestly, I think this is a good thing. We need to normalize singledom

1. We don't want top-tier men. We want decent ones.

I'm saying the offer needs to be there.

It's the easiest way to show some kind of effort or investment.

Stop blaming women for picking wrong. It's sustemic.

You need to stop hating women

Blaming women is a no from me

It's weird because I don't think a lot of people realized how bad it was until they looked back


I absolutely understand this. It's a jungle out there for men too. Hugs <3

It's not about where you meet the men.

Are you really trying to argue with statistics I sourced?

If you use it too much, absolutely.

Dates cost money.


Means sex partners in my weird, NYC slang.

So, your solution is to blame women?

I mean, domestic violence is on the rise and so is rape. Women have every right to be scared.

Yikes. I will be doing an article on this later, but if this is how you feel about porn, I am all…

Would you like me to block you from my stories?

Nothing about this is man-hating.

Generally speaking, if men aren't willing to put in effort to plan a date that doesn't involve…

I absolutely adore this!

Oh, I was a synthwave/80s goth back in the day.

And you sound like a very non-condescending man who totally doesn't blame shift. What's your point?


Don't mind me, I'm just translating what you're saying.

I like how men completely absolve themselves of any fault in this.

Right? I keep saying that but they’re totally content whining and waxing poetic about how women…

It's funny you mention this, because I actually wasn't thinking of the assault issue in India.


Here’s Why Men Are Having A Harder Time Getting Laid Than Ever Before

Very much a thing today, sadly. You’d think we’d be beyond it by now…

I can confirm.

Looks like it.

Are We Going To Talk About How Predatory 2000s Scene/Emo Shows Were?

Most women do not have orgasms when they sleep with men, primarily because men don't care about…

Opinion? That's a fact!

You're missing the point.

Exactly what do women gain from a guy like you?

I'll make sure that I tell that to my husband.

Most of my friends are clubkids or porn stars who married clubkids/pornstars/DJs/rockstars.

Keep being disrespectful, dude. It makes you look sooooo hot.

It's not. But that doesn't mean you still can't feel sad about it.

I married a DJ, so I don’t see any problem here.


This makes me crazy happy.

Got it. Blame women for not choosing you.

In NJ/NYC, "body count" is slang for the number of sexual partners.

The wildest ones happen when their kids get forcibly hospitalized.

I can respect that.

You keep loading up my articles with misogyny.

I can no longer drink, but definitely hit up those sweet, delicious Mai Tais!

It’s so funny, because I remember those days well.

There are more and more women who are choosing this path.

Women Are Quietly Quitting Dating, And There’s Nothing We Can Do About It

It’s a truly global issue and we have to address it as such.

Cool. You don’t have to read it if you don’t like it.

Yes and no.

Oh trust me, I know.

I feel really bad for you. You sound deeply resentful,

Drink a pina colada for me! I’ve always wanted to go to the Caribbean!

So, how do you explain that around 40 percent of households, many of which are marrieds, have…

People really don't realize how many of those soccer moms are doped up beyond repair.

I spent most of my 20s desperate to find a guy who wanted me as a housewife, so I'm going to assume…

My best advice? Use formatting, remember that whitespace is your friend, and speak your truth. ❤

Very true.

I actually wrote this because I was so angry that my guyfriend got his stuff stolen.

If that's how you feel, please stay away from women.

I guess my experiences have been different.

Pickup artists and dating gurus are definitely Chad-like, but most dating advisors I've met seem to…

As a Cheshire cat said, "We're all mad here."

I'm married.

Chad: Did Men Really Make Up A Man To Hate?

I did eventually get married.

Things need to be said.

I mean, this is all in the approach. I'll explain in another post.

At first, I was like "You ok, bro?" But then I was like

Wait...I just realized that this was satire.

Yeah, this is not healthy.

Yikes…If you think women are the problem, you probably should stay away from us.

Men Need To Stop Blaming Women For Rejecting Them.

If I find out a person stole from me or a friend, that's an automatic blacklist and ghost from me.

Most of my childhood friends developed severe mental illnesses or drug addictions, or both.

It's weird.

Sex Kits: How To Prep For A One Night Stand

I’ve seen that happen in real life too. It is tragic when homophobia hurts innocent people.

I am glad that my friend’s experience was a rarity.

I can respect that.

In these situations, I think most of the women and men tend to know what they are signing up for.

I know you think you're okay, but have you spoken about this to a therapist?

Yikes. Are you ok?

My dear reader, there is nothing toxic about that.

Thank you for proving my point!

It’s absolutely a feeling, and it’s terrifying.

Mind? It's an honor! Thank you <3

Hey, I married someone 10 years younger than me. Younger is sometimes better.

I mean, I'm married now. But I still remember how it hurts not to have that.

Beautifully written.

Oh, 100%. You can't live in a place like that without doing it.

The point is that I understand what it's like.

Interesting take! I definitely think culture makes for it.

I’m guessing that you probably saw a lot of what I said.

I don't know how I feel about this.

Believe it or not, a lot of women are heartbroken when we see our guyfriends being hurt by their…

Exactly. MGTOW has such an amazing potential for men, but only if they do it the right way.


I’m all for MGTOW, believe me.

Trust me, I am all for MGTOW.

Men, Vet Your Women Harder. You Need To.

Yep! My husband cooked dinner last night. And he’s obsessed with vacuuming. He’s the best.

A lot of psych terms would be.

Sounds like it’s time to stop doing his laundry and throw out the man.


I was wondering if I was the only one.

Same. I actually found my husband by vomiting outside his tent in a music festival.

Sounds like I should move there. New rich SUCK.

It may get that way with Texas.

Yep. This is exactly what I’m talking about. And it happens so often!

Yourself. What you do that makes you amazing. That’s the hard thing for so many guys to understand.



You're being very disrespectful, and spouted nothing but hatred towards women.

Feel free to share my work! I feel like a lot of guys needed to hear this advice!

Please stay away from women. You really don't like them, so don't sleep with them.

I'll make sure to tell my husband this new scientific discovery, Mr. Patriarchy.

My husband is 10 years younger than me.

Oh my god, there are so many times I've felt this! I get that way too.

If that's how you see women, I think we'd prefer the furry buddy that shits in a box.

I mean, I am married now.

The Many, Many Problems Of Single Men

It's weird.

Girl, my heart goes out to you.

Trust me, I know.

Solution is: everyone in that town needs to be honest with themselves, because right now, they are…

Seems like you got the exact point I was making!

If my independence scares someone, I don't think I want that person in my life.

I mean, I am married now, and you’re actually right.


Half and half.

Thanks for proving my point!

Are you okay?


I absolutely love this reply! Fellow transpeople, take note!

That's going to be a future article of mine, definitely.

Glad we're on the same page there!

Victim feminism?

Have you seen my most recent article? Called out a woman for being vindictive in divorce.

“My Wife Divorced Me Because I’m Trans.”

This is a truly amazing take.

You are my people, Alan. High five!

Yep. Definitely issues out a lot of toxic dating advice.

Sometimes I wonder if we should go back to that.

I mean, yes, but there are also some women who literally can't even get laid.

I appreciate this comment so much. <3

Yikes. I hope you heal, because it's clear you've been through the wringer and it's clear you've…

It does not surprise me that you got there too. Your writing is (as they say in Brooklyn) mint!

Your dad is an amazing person. Reading this made me miss mine. Keep writing! I love your stuff!

Trust me, I'm going to be coming in on that soon.

I literally just made the "100 club" and it's shocking.

It can be like that. And it's so weird that a lot of guys don't believe that can be the case.

Yep. It is.

She sounds like a gem of a person <3

I mean, I am married now, but I absolutely vibe with this.

Why I Choose To Interview Adult Film Stars

We definitely have more awareness these days.

I’m not saying it’s all on men.

I definitely should write something about porn at this point.

You're awesome!

I've actually tried being "feminine."

Oh, I actually wrote about this.

❤ I’m so sorry that happened to you.

Oh, I'm very aware of Cranbury and Princeton.

I wouldn't quite say men hold the gates to a relationship or that women hold the gates to sex, but…

The thing is, men have to police men.

Thank you for proving my points!

“Oh, We Don’t Do That:” The Toxic Coping Mechanisms Of Rich Suburban Moms

I'll say this much: I've seen men wait for months for sex, get laid, and ghost, only to brag that…

I'll say this much: I've seen men wait for months for sex, get laid, and ghost, only to brag that…

I'll say this much: I've seen men wait for months for sex, get laid, and ghost, only to brag that…

I'll say this much: I've seen men wait for months for sex, get laid, and ghost, only to brag that…

Thank you for proving my point!

Thank you for proving my point!

Dahri, you know that is not true.

Back when I was a (super shitty) Software Engineering major, it was mostly awkward men.

It’s my Newark side coming out, I think.

Did I hear a buzzing? Cause you're spittin' fax! (Translation: I agree wholeheartedly.)

Oh, I’m going to be getting into that in another article.

The problem with this is that it's still happening.

While I agree to a point, I've seen a lot more conventionally hot women with men who look like feet…

The reason I mention porn is because my three favorite porn stars are not conventionally hot.

"Body count" is slang for how many people you've slept with.

Congrats. You three are not the people I'm talking about.

If all you can do is wail "NOT ALL MEN" and whine about "the left," you are not what women want.

Real talk, I love my ace and demi friends. They're such beautiful humans.

Look up housework divide and emotional labor.

Honestly? I think so.

Please stay away from women.

Whataboutism doesn't negate the fact that men do this more, even when women end up crying over the…

That was the most amazing part of that guy. He was a virgin---demisexual.

You know, it's weird.

I’m curious.

Just so you know, this might be my favorite comment yet. I love Sisters of Mercy!

If they ID as "male," it's men.

Yikes. Shaming men for being good partners is not okay dude.

Facts. Also I love that you used "anathema" to say it.

This is remarkably relatable. People in the poly world get it.

I'm on Team Daphne.

Positive reinforcement works.

No, we're not doing this.

Oh, we definitely have a lot in common. I love looking at rogue finance!

Yes and no.

“I Hate That Men Don’t Want Me.”

You are absolutely right on that, but I always considered that to be part of learning social skills.

Exactly. We have to let men embrace singledom if relationships aren't working for them.

The best way to reduce addiction is to have an open discourse about healthy usage.

Ain't it true.

I'm loosely named after Ossian/Oisin, an ancient Irish poet.

This means so much.

It's a list of reasons why guys are single. And porn taught me It's not about looks.

It really is scary and alarming

As a former drug user, yes.

Porn is a tool.

This one is different because it shows the impact...and

Yikes. Who hurt you?

As a Hallmark card once said, "It's the little things that count!"

Oh, I'm broaching that topic in another.

When Love Is Too Bad To Stay, But Too Good To Quit

All I can say is that if you don't see women as equal people deserving of respect and autonomy, you…


This shit needs to go viral.

This is one article I feel every woman needs to read before they date.

I resonate with this.

Let's be honest.

Germany started paying reparations in the 60s, 20 years after the Holocaust.

I had no idea about "cakewalk."

My issue is, there are a LOT of resources to help men out.

I love seeing writing like this. Men boosting men!

Interesting take, but it's not just a money problem.

I don't really think you understand what I am writing, or maybe I just didn't write the right way.

Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not there.

Masculinity And The Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad PR Crisis

Ohhhh my god. Yep, thank you for proving my point.

That's actually a good thing for me to hear! I've always heard men say the opposite.

Women are way more likely to be killed by their partners than men. These two things are not equal.

Or worse, have to justify not siding with them. I don't get these guys, man...

This is probably the best take I've seen on this.

This is something I've definitely noticed. Openly calling them out is a good way to make it stop.

A lot of men are used to having everything taken care for them by Mother Dearest.

Nothing is sexier than a man who can care for himself and his own!

It's wild to see someone from Boston click with my story.

Thank you so much for this.

I Work In Porn. I Know Why So Many Men Are Single

Taras, your racism is showing

Women are beginning to wake up to how heavily kids are marketed to them, and they are beginning to…

It speaks volumes that a lot of the guys in this comment section seem so quick to reply that women…

I came from a family of college professors.

It's the classic socialization every girl gets. Guys aren't raised that way.

The fact is, a LOT of men are losing their shit.

Right? The comments list is like, a goldmine of showing how sensitive and fragile guys are.

If you’re so rational, why are you so angry that women are actually talking about bad shit that…

Yup. Thank you!

I've seen men get dragged out of clubs and beaten by attendees because they didn't understand no…

Thanks for proving my point!

Seems you are angry bro

Everyone Has A Jolene In Their Lives…

Annnd this is why you should stay away from women.

I think they're freaking out because they know they can't control women anymore.

Thank you for proving her point right.

The fact that there are so many angry men here going "patriarchy isn't real" or "yeah abuse sucks…

Do not blame women for a "lack of self control."

As someone who now has a stay-at-home husband, I cannot even begin to say how enriching having a…

That's what a lot of men don't quite get these days.

What Everyone Got Wrong About Sex Positivity (And Why We’re Still Not Really Sex Positive)

It absolutely is an Abrahamic issue. Worst thing that happened to society was purity culture.

Thank you!

Oh, I'm going to be writing about that soon enough.

I will never understand how guys get baffled when women stop being attracted to them over their…

A man who is not comfortable with someone he allegedly loves getting equal rights is not capable of…

Ad hominem attacks only make you look worse.

This is what so many men don't understand.

I don't think that I agree.

Someone had to say it. They are one and the same.

I can actually back this up.

I Slept With Several Hundred People. Here’s What I Learned.

From my experience, they just cry a lot more when you say you're bored.

This is why we need more you.

Women who hate women are crabs in a bucket.

I'll never understand how guys claim women are clamoring for older 40-year-old men.

Please tell me you reported him to the police.

5 Things That Girls Truly Want In A Partner

What you're writing is exactly what a rapist would write.

Thanks for proving my point!

The bar is set in hell for men.

If a woman prefers a companion that shits in a box over you, it's not the animal's fault.

A hit dog hollers, right?

"Suggestive pictures"...So

I mean, if the shoe fits...Yeah, men are the problem here.

Don't forget the men who talk like sex bots.

Literally everything I've seen in the dating scene, rolled into one.

Definitely tell CPS about what he's doing and explain you do not want him at your house.

I'm of the school that believes that people should look out for other people's greater good.

I don't know.

Appreciated. And trust me, I've been there.

I'm sorry too. It sucks.

Spitting straight facts!

Sadly, it's starting to look that way.

I really wish more men would understand that. It's so insane that they don't.

I’ve Stopped Giving The Time Of Day To Effortless Men

Spitting straight facts, in such an uplifting way! Wish more men thought like you!

Uh, men trash women all the time.

You. I like you.

This needs to be said and I'm glad it is being spoken about. Love this article!

Honestly it's kinda true.

Sorry sugar, women don't shrivel up and die at my age.

I honestly think people are losing their ability to socialize.

You realize you're a shit man for saying that right?

The amount of loathing, and bending over backwards to attain value in the eyes of men is not…

And we welcome you to do that, because clearly, you can't provide an equal partnership with someone…

Alright, so, I don't honestly believe this happened.

I wrote a whole diddy on my account about the shitstorm that is dating, and how it's impacting guys.

Men don't realize what a horrible PR crisis they have caused by trying to erase our experiences.

Women Are Finally Speaking Up About Dating Nightmares. Men Are Losing Their Shit.

So you shouldn't be sad that women like her are getting fed up and checking out of the dating scene…

Personally, I'd be all about that life.

Wah wah wah! Women, don't complain about how we treat you! Wah wah wah!

I think you need to get some professional help.

Tone police!

Until a ring is on your finger and he's acting like a partner, don't believe shit a man says.

Weaponized Incompetence Is The New Way Guys Are Playing Themselves

No, I offered all 3. I got a dead bedroom and disrespect. Men are not simple.

Please stay the fuck away from women.

No joke, tell your landlord that he is abusing you.

No, Men Aren’t Instinctually Attracted To Virgins

If you find a place where men treat women like people, let me know.

Exactly why, then, should anyone female date a man if all we are to you is a hole with an…

Whataboutism is a bad faith argument. Saying women do x doesn't negate the fact that men failed us

Are you me?

How about instead of telling us to not be afraid and how to "avoid attracting attention," you focus…

Honestly, a lot of men would shape up if women categorically dumped them when they show themselves…


Then stay that way.

So, sounds like you don't want marriage or women. Great. Stay away from us. Scam solved, right?

The Ugly, Subtle Racism Of Growing Up In An All-White Town

Same, and I'm not even that awesome. The bar's just set in hell

You. I like you.

You talk about toxic femininity and get butthurt over standards.

You don't even like women.

If men can't adapt, why should women sacrifice their well-being for you?

K. Sounds like you're useless.

It's not a law. If you can't act as a partner, don't be shocked when you are said to be a waste.

Right? Strong DILF energy

You're clearly part of the reason women are giving up on men.

“Men Don’t Marry Who They Loved The Most.”

Matt needs to stay away from women, especially his daughters

It's why I'm leaving as soon as I can. I want to renounce citizenship too

I wish I could believe that. Men seem to be okay with abuse in my eyes

This is why I'm not FDS entirely.

So why does it bother you if there are more FDS women? You can have women who do whatever, right? mean men who treat women like people?

Yeah, because it's not like they make tee shirts saying "No Fat Chicks."

Gaslighting has one quick cure: block, leave, disengaged.

Of course.

You see, abuse doesn't happen immediately.

Lol what? What blogs are you reading?

I also can't help but notice that you're shifting the blame of men's actions to women over and over…

Feel free to explain to me why women are at fault for "choosing badly," but when men pick a bad…

Then men shouldn't be upset that women have standards for sex if we're just dating the top 10…

You think women aren't opting out of dating too?


I'm 10 years older than my spouse.

Fun thing about dating, boys.

Honestly, when I hear guys talk about women like this, I praise the universe for being over 30.

Where Was I During 9/11?

I talk sex, food, and everything else that comes to mind.

Love love love Saavy.

People like Todd are the problem.