Sitemap - 2022 - Ossiana Tepfenhart

Women are not doing this in as massive quantities. Stop doing false equivalents

I've never heard of the African man thing.

I'll try it

I broke when I saw them taunt a cybergoth.

What topics are you writing about on NewsBreak that have been working well for you?

Which topics have you been using on NewsBreak?

“American Women Are Undateable,” He Said


T is for transgender, people born into a gender that doesn't reflect them.

Oh. I think I blocked those out.

This actually means a lot to me.

Exactly. But when it comes to looks, they did their job decently well.

Are We Going To Talk About How Fucked 2000s Makeover Shows Were?

Georgia must have been brutal in the day. I thought it was just me that got denied service, OMG.

Yeah that's not ok

The Problem With Being “One Of The Good Ones”

I'm for this.

Feel free to share with others, or to check out VNV Nation's stuff.

K. Go cry to a conservative about it.

There IS no middle ground. We are not the same..

Let me guess, you had people berate you for "dropping me just because of politics?"

Is Rage The New Meth?

Single and looking, yes.

I always check to see who men look up to.

I understand your pain, brother. It's a beautiful, beautiful condiment.

Feel free to share my advice with others.

That's why I immediately deplatform anyone who starts saying "both sides are the same."

If it's legal in her area, I would suggest an abortion. Then, a divorce.

An Open Letter To Conservatives Left Alone On Christmas

I concur. There is nothing miraculous about miracle whip

I actually had this happen at Vocal.


Normal (TM) has flown out the window, for the most part.

7 Simple Lifehacks That Help Me With My PTSD

Oh shit...Thanks

What AI art?

And you're always welcome to visit me and the clowder in Jersey!

I actually side with the women who won't "date down," because honestly, outearning men…

Women are also more likely to be beaten by men who earn less than them.

I don't think that I've ever seen Duke's in Jersey.

I am ashamed to say that I am a Hellman’s person.

The blues and greens were the best. Yellow sunflowers too.

YOOOOOOOOO! I REMEMBER BTS! Chameleon and Gumby were homies!

Remember Stomp N Sounds/Soundz Cafe? Bobby was an OG.

The more I talk to you, the more I'm thoroughly convinced we could be twins.

I feel like we need to be friends.

I definitely am one to hold a grudge, so I low-key envy your ability to be that kind to others.

I honestly don't know. I just feel bad that racists turned my favorite condiment into a slur, haha

When Your Favorite Condiment Is A Racial Slur…

If the kid I'd sobbing then something is very wrong with the situation


Why Are We Still Saying Childhood Popularity Doesn’t Matter?

Trust me when I say that I know how ugly the doctor world is.

Better question: what would you tell your friends in that situation?

8 Things You Should Know About People In Abusive Relationships

Ayyyy papi 😝😘

We Need To Talk About Toxic Support

I appreciate you

Unpopular Opinion: Stores Need To Have A ‘Karen/Ken Policy’

Same deal here.

I remember blue Mitsubishis. They don't make drugs that good anymore. I'm also sober now so lol

The difference is that my friends would get ignored while they sleep on the train.

RIGHT?!!? Like, I used to call Tesla a dream truck for me because it looked like a cyberpunk…

I still remember people teaching you the different colors of pills and being like, "Those white…

You say you're an empath, but you slut shame women and then call them manipulative, and then tell…

No, sorry, I’m with Gen Z on this one.

The Alternative Gen Xers Were A Lot Cooler Than We Give Them Credit For

There is a distinct core of people who are so pathetic, the only thing they can contribute to…

Maybe? I remember one involving hiding his genius

Tech Bro Meltdowns Aren’t Uncommon, Elon Musk Is Just Famous

5 Types Of People You Should Never Trust

True. I basically had to hide my love of anime aesthetic and neo-Tokyo wear to be taken seriously.

I don't know if you're in New Jersey or not, but dog adoption has become an extremely classist…

Unfortunately, I've had such horrible experiences with dog rescues that I wouldn't want to…

Hip hop is a lifestyle, but it's one that has a lot of misogyny.

Dude, Via's amazing.

The 7 Biggest Regrets I Hear From Married People

❤ She does have the cutest beans. She also doesn’t meow. She makes a “Peep, peep!” noise.

Octavia is happy. She says "PEEEEEP!"

No offense but your friend's wife is hurting pups more than helping them by being too picky.

I live right outside of NYC, so there are not really any coyotes here.

My deepest condolences. I hope you’re doing better.

I love Hindi movies. I always cry when the couples marry.


But that's just it.

Very true.

I’m (Kinda) Eating My Words About Animal Rescues Right Now, And I Couldn’t Be Happier

And I've written at length about the damage Disney princesses did to women my age.

Yeah, my friend almost got arrested.

I mean, I'm trans so I gotta rep my homies <3

The Trope Of The Socially Awkward, Nerdy Genius Is Ruining Men’s Lives

I hate to say it, but I get a little glee when guys like that get their breakup and start yammering.

How'd he react after that?

A lot of them are republicans that claim to be democrats.

You do know that the whole GCritical movement is there to convert people to regressive beliefs…

Here's the thing: the right keeps talking about groomers on the left yet they KEEP VOTING FOR…

I worked in showbiz quite a bit.

How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is A Toxic Bitch

I know at least one naked sushi model that could use this both literally and figuratively.

Thanks for showing why women should not date you and proving me right

Why would you choose to change yourself just to bag someone who doesn't appreciate you?

Once again, why bother dating if you don't want to take a risk or if you can't afford a dinner?

As long as I don't go outside during the summer, avoid daylight, don't get too stressed, and avoid…

Who Are The Real Groomers Here?

Having an unusual disorder where my urine can turn colors, I could see this backfiring horribly.

Happened to three of my friends, and me when I was single.

You know, I never noticed it, but you're right.

A lot of girls would be lucky to have a dad who teaches them these things.

My dad and I did spend time at ice rinks and at science club.

YES! Search up Robert Crumb, the phrase "underground comix," Cherry Poptart comix, "comix", and…

It’s not verbal abuse to openly tell a guy it’s fucked up to behave that way, or to make him feel…

Yeah but assault charges suck

This is patently untrue.

Next Time A Date Negs You, Wreck His Shit With These Tricks

Nah. That allows them to talk about how "crazy" you were.

Bro, if you are that worried about women taking advantage of you, why are you dating?

The Raunchy, Shocking, X-Rated World Of Underground Comix

Women risk their lives meeting guys, already have to spend extra to look good, and also have way…

I thought I was crazy. This is a thing. Good to know!

America’s Prosperity Gospel Went Mainstream — Even With Atheists

Repeat after me:

Tell him my condolences. Also:

Having been that quasi-woman, I can tell you the guy usually gets very aggressive and loud.

I strongly disagree.

Holy shit. Please tell me you're no contact with your dad.

True, but if it’s serial cheating, or “I’m sorry I did it again…” it can be.

Does it elicit emotions?

Fuck it, I'll buy the superhero cookbook and write about it

No, Dads Protecting Their Daughters’ Virginities Is Not Cute. It’s Creepy.

PSA: Walk Out Whenever A Date Asks What You Bring To The Table

Nope. Without fail, every time I've tried to help them or offer them a way to change, they refuse…

Can Marvel Actually Make A Decent Cookbook? I Tested Out The Wakanda Cookbook To Find Out

There is no such thing as a dirty little business person.

Not even. I see you're British.

7 Indicators Your Marriage Is Doomed To Fail

It's not a small subset, I assure you.

You are already more awesome than 90 percent of people I know. I believe in you!

I don't know you, but I want to hug you. You deserved better.

I'm about 200 pounds now, am passively trying to lose weight by shaving off one ingredient at a…

Facts. It still remains a scary and heartbreaking process nonetheless.

Freedom is terrifying, but it's also beautiful

Thanks for your input.

4 Things You Should Know About Kids Who Go No Contact With Their Parents

Very true. Art majors and English majors hate me for that reason.


I'm not a woman.

I don't know what was wrong with that guy.

5 Awful Truths You’ll Learn When You Follow Your Dreams (And Actually Succeed)

6 Reasons Why People Aren’t Buying Your Art, Content, Or Writing

I love seeing women in STEM. I just fucking hated working in the field and sucked at coding

Can I get an amen? ;)

He may have been, but here's where things got bad: he had multiple people offering to pay for…

It's funny because one of the incest families was Jewish.

It's funny because I literally make more than every single one of them now.

How did you do this? What did you write about, because I'm at a loss.

Met similar people in Newark Beth Israel.


I see you! You are stronger than you feel and you are not wrong for feeling betrayed.

6 Signs Someone Secretly Prefers to Be Miserable

I’m a huge fan of Copper Cow for that reason. Starbucks always tastes burnt to me.

No argument here.

Making a living writing is a lot like a science. You need a heavy dash of marketing to live on it.

I don't know what's up with upper middle class "blue blood" families by the Jersey Shore, but I've…

Yup. If I listen to people from my college, I should be one foot in the coffine already.

Oh, I remember Gaia TV.

If a person can't be arsed to tell me, "Hey, don't spent $100 on groceries, we can't make it,"…

Do I need a pap smear for my butt? Serious question.

Scarier is that I know that woman would be talking about how she respects the sanctity of life if…

I honestly believe a cure for conservatism would be to strip them of all their money and drop them…

My guy friend is obese--like, close to 275 or so, but my height at 5'9 ish.

This may be the first and only time I can say I agree with an Evangelist.

The 7 Biggest Regrets I Hear From People In Their 30's

Yo, I WAS that girl who wanted a ring by spring.

Happened to me. At this point, I believe this to be a form of obstetric violence.

The other outfits are how my genderless ass normally dresses lol

Are We Seeing The Vanishing Of Kindness In America?

And (bad as this is to say) mentally ill. No one normal talks like that.

Truth be told, I'm currently waiting on permission from police to write about something.

YES. Anyone who is responsible with psychic affairs of any type will tell people to use common…

I’ve been hearing it online for about 10, maybe 15 years. It’s such a weird idea to me.

I definitely think that this was astroturfed

There is no dialogue.

They keep adapting our words and it's not working anymore.

Dying for the optics. Literally.

You may want to look at Reddit's Tradfemsnark and FundieSnark subs.

Her friends are not feminists. They're misandrists.

I wanna go vegan but my doctor said it'd make my heart stop.

Yo, I love Fundiesnark. Are we going to talk about how Kelly Havens *really * needs help?

I don't know what kind of feminism you're seeing, but feminism is literally, "I want rights to my…

Nope. The problem is that tradwives advocate for not allowing women the right to work

When you can't leave without serious danger to your well-being, yes, it's slavery.

Here's the thing.

The Right-Wing’s Recruitment of Women is Predatory

Too Many People Use ‘Twin Flames’ To Excuse Abusive Relationships

Trust me. I was floored that he had ZERO grasp on nuances.

I'm guessing they asked what they did wrong or expected you to call them again, right?

I block, report, and ignore. Deplatforming works.

If you need a friend, my Twitter is always open

Fellow Jersey folk here.

Can We Normalize Up And Leaving A Conversation Without A Word?

Oh I oughta do something about ‘hun’ culture and how vindictive they are to real mompreneurs.

I’ll try again, but you got any tips?

*grabs baggage* TAKE ME WITH YOU! GET ME TO THE UK!

I'm not a woman, I'm a neither.

I have been wanting to do a YouTube channel but I have no idea how to start one.

I'd you live near NYC like me, yes.

I Wrote For Newsbreak For 2 Weeks Straight, And I’m Phoning It Now

I occasionally get fox drunk, but it's usually with cops.

Uhhhh lolwut?

Very true. I wish there were ways to get that in regular society.

Don't ever stop being awesome and don't let the bastards get ya down.

You know, my trafficker was able to use me and my friends under the guise of a "poly relationship."

Trust me, I agree with you 1000 percent.

I definitely get what you’re saying, but I’ve been in that situation.

I beg to differ.

The 5 Most Foolish Money Mistakes Men Are Guilty Of Making

May be time to put him on blast.

5 Low-Key Signs Two People Are Having An Affair

Sounds like women should avoid you judging by your blaming women for abuse

In my case, I usually settled for these people since I had no friends or family around me and if…

You. I like you.

I don’t fully believe that there is something true to the idea that people are inherently masculine…

But his presidency was YUUUUUUGEE

I remember the caveman dragging women by the hair thing!

We Need To Talk About Sex Frisbees

You seem to have missed the point here

4 Signs Someone Isn’t As Smart As They Claim They Are

YO! This happened to me, too. Literally got called "Crybaby" and "Awful Articles."

If even one guy feels vindicated and goes, "I used to be that guy" reading my article, I did good.

You're being disrespectful and honestly, kind of a red flag.

Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't a problem.

You understand me on such a level, Rachel.

6 Things Almost All Men Have To Unlearn At One Point In Their Lives

Yep. I think he looks like the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz fucked a monkey.


Wholly agreed.

A friend of mine started to guzzle soda as if it was beer because it was verboten.

I don't think you realize what's going on as far as contraception goes.

I did a whole article about the arrogance of fundie women.

Honestly I met my husband while we were both coked/pilled out, so...can

Grew up surrounded by Moonies, hardcore Methodists (yes, that's a thing in some areas), and…

8 Low-Key Signs That You’ve Experienced Spiritual Abuse

If you become pregnant in Texas and something goes wrong, your right to lifesaving medical care…

Please tell me he whines about women not dating Republicans. It'd make my day.

Of course he did. I did Nazi that coming.

Well, calling me "simplistic" sure doesn't sound it.

They know they're nazis. They are just angry we're calling them out

Agreed. The women who are purity obsessed are scary broads.

That’s just the thing…What you’re describing is a Democrat platform.

The moment I realized it was not women's fault was after my friend had a threesome with me and her…

Truth be told, the GOP doesn't have a platform to run on.

Honey, I've sugared men before. If I hate them, I have a funny way of showing it.

I'm unusually lucky because I had barely gotten out of homelessness and squatting at my parents…

Porn Stars Reveal The Secrets To Having Confidence In Your Body

That's coming in another article.

They have one, APAG

YES! A prenup is there to protect BOTH partners.

Oddly enough, that is a very attractive reply and I like the cut of that jib.

Reminds me of my ex.

I get that they are annoying but that doesn’t mean you have to deride them.


The party of family values separates families, refuses to prevent school shootings, and defunds…

You're very perceptive! My hope is for a world without gender. I should write about that...

Here’s The Real Trait That Makes Women Want To Sleep With Men

Oh I covered a lot of it in my article about poverty inertia.

There are lots of areas in the world of "tech" that are constantly hiring, and part of learning the…

You are going to love my upcoming article, my bro! ❤

Hey, if you ever need moral support, hit me up on Twitter.

I'm actually pro-sugar culture as long as people are upfront about it.

I relate to this.

Blocked and reported.

Jesus F’n Christ: Why White Women Keep Voting Republican

I mean, I am open to sugaring in some cases.

I really should do a thing about birth control.

I didn't know about this option. Love it!

You know, he might actually do well on Raya depending on what career he has.

Yes and no.

It depends on whether shallow man can actually attract those girls.

I don't know that I agree with you there.

The Rise Of The Male Gold Digger

I'm gonna do one on men too. This one will be on there.

Shit, share that riches with me. I hear it all the time.

5 Things Almost Every Woman Has To Unlearn At One Point In Her Life

In time.

8 Low-Key Signs Someone Had a Rough Childhood

It's why I married a DJ.

Most of my porn friends are taken, but they only date within the porn scene.

If he's doing all the chores and all the income earning, he's definitely being exploited.

I would take a good look at what you like doing and what people have told you that you have a…

I'm a neither but this dude is misgendering me to try to dig at me. Lol 😆

Want To Financially Survive The Next 10 Years? Hone These 4 Skills.

This, I didn't know. What does this mean for the state's government?

You know, it's spooky. I keep hearing about Missouri towns with this issue on here.

Ann Richards was a queen. Yankee is showing

I hear it a lot in NJ. It's weird.

I’m Sick And Tired Of Hearing That Texas Is A Blue State

Yes, People Really Are Selling Plasma To Buy Food

Sounds like a past life thing. Maybe I was a rich person in a golf course area in a past life.


The 4 Biggest Differences Between My Rich Friends And Broke Friends

So I see you met me in my 20s...

In my mind, maybe. But I’m an 80’s baby in their mid-30s.

I literally just wrote about the problem with being hot today.

This is actually a common ploy among pimps looking for cheap work. She absolutely was preyed upon.


As an alien, I can tell you that I would drive BOTH of our asses via a spaceship wherever that…

This article slaps.

Ohhhhh I finna do an article on that....

Yup. Nothing makes people hate you more than holding up a mirror to their face.

Considering that pregnancy can add in death...Yeah very different.

Give him my condolences.

Just subscribed because of this.


We are hot in theory.

I should talk about it.

I have seen these guys at porn conventions...escorted our by security

6 Things That Are Way Less Attractive Than People Assume They Are

I'm trying to find an alternative. Shit's rough, man.

The place I go to has people trained from Hokkaido.

I work from home, need a recording studio, and am too damn lazy for lawncare and excessive…

I'm going to assume you're willfully ignorant. You're banned.


No, the incel movement is pretty documented as radicalizing men towards racism.

This sounds like Facial Abuse but worse.

I have seen it happen with my guy friend and his STBX.

Did you read my post on that?

I should do an article on a phenomenon I noticed.

I started to explain to people that I don't have the privilege to date men of my race.

Then they have "shocked Pikachu" face when their relationships become sexless...

Not gonna lie, I miss my purple hair.

Honestly, I feel like that's definitely something you should write about.

I can definitely say that certain women do get irate when they see men dating outside their race.

I live in a very diverse area, and it's like 10 percent racist/misogynistic.

I remember when I was on the subway and had a conservative looking guy almost mouth off to me when…

If you wanna see them have a shitfit, then watch what happens when you remind them that women are…

I’m Really Tired Of Women Being Told To Coddle Men

Love it!

5 Things That Cut Into Your Income More Than You Think They Do

This is so true.

I do think income inequality factors in, but c'mon now, using skin color as a merit badge is really…

It's a little different when you cheat on someone who's pregnant.

Yup. I'm talking about a very specific subset of men

That has nothing to do with guys being racist...?

The Link Between Racism And The Ownership Of Pussy

In Newark, of all places, too.

Go for it. I really wish it was real!

Yup. The guy who called me the "h word" is an example of it.

That makes sense, true, but wouldn't it be better to just make way higher hourly wages?

Same! I live for their bath salts <3

This is why I'm 100 percent for abolishing tip culture.

Am I Alone In This Weird Dream Phenomenon?

You Can’t Sit With Us: A Look At Racism In Restaurants

I added the sources that inspired me to write this. Hope it helps.

And fixed.

Take it up with her

Sadly, it’s not.

I keep hearing it online, so my bad. Thank you for clearing it up.

Nope. I suck!

I feel like that makes us part of a cool club of people who see both sides of things.

Holy shit

Should We Warn Pregnant Women About Men Cheating On Them?



Sweet! Let’s do it!

The average price for a 1-br here is around $2500, so that tracks.

OH! I thought you said you were in NY.

Girl, I'm right across the bridge from you. Also those wages are criminal.

Around me, it’s $10 for a California roll and $18 for a dragon roll. *cries in anime fan*

Without risking naming names and getting in trouble, this grocery store is not a normal store.

We Need To Talk About The Growing Problem With Sushi NOW.

You know what's funny?

I should really do something about the restaurant racism thing for Tasteful Toast.

Oh, I've called them out in person.

I agree. I also think he shouldn't be wealthy. He's an overpaid brat.

10 Surprising Signs That Someone Is Hiding Serious Anxiety

I'm severely mentally ill but if I spread blood libel, you better believe I'll face consequences.

YO, I should do an article about this.

5 Things White People Don’t Understand About Traveling As A Minority

I needed to hear that

Kanye (And His Fans) Undermined What Hip-Hop Culture’s All About

No, he's just that stupid

Nope just tales from my shitty dating life

5 Stupid Ways Guys Destroy Their Chances At Getting Girlfriends

It doesn’t. But this all should be preventable.

The problem is, how do we mitigate the biases that so many people have against others?

Why's that?

4 Things That Increased My Income Dramatically (And 4 That Didn’t)

It still is there.

But that's just the thing..The evidence of deliberate oppression is there.

Feminism = equality for all genders, body autonomy, no discrimination.

No, patriarchy was the problem.

Hard agree, but men gotta lift each other up.

I actually wrote an article about this recently, "Are We Turning Boys Into Monsters?"

Are We Turning Boys Into Monsters?

I know how it came off, but I've been in relationships where traditional standards dictated that…

As someone who squatted in Brooklyn, I also know Bronx men are tough as nails.

Exxxotica is in Miami, NJ, and usually Ohio. They also do one random location.

Speaking as a former escort, most of the people who say stuff like you do were my best customers.

Glad to be of service

Why I Think You Should Never Date Down (EVER)

You might be right. Also thank you for checking me on that!

Women absolutely are in competition with one another.

You have the audacity to explain to ME what happened in MY LIFE, and then urge me to not "be…

Look. Women compete with other women, too.

I feel you have good intentions and that you genuinely do like women.

5 Things Anyone Can Learn From Going To Porn Conventions

As a person who looks female, I can tell you a broke woman is not seen as a tragedy.

What cost?

I agree. I also think state-run events, even if it's a gaming tournament, could help

Why aren't men confiding in one another?

Who on earth would say that?

I mean yes and no. Sometimes you just want to have a day at the mall. But those closed down...

I love this quote

Hard disagree. Women aren't going on murder sprees over being single

The Growing Divide Between Male ‘Have’s’ And ‘Have-Nots’

This is the truth.

Do you think your observations are a good thing? Just curious

Looks like it. Moonie childhood here. I see you and support you, sister.

I mean, I work as a porn journalist as a side gig.

Most Gen Z would walk out of a job that hurls abuse at them.

An Incident At The Mall Taught Me To Rethink People

YO! That is a thing!

Different people, different experiences. Could be a regional thing. I'm East Coast. You?

You're definitely right and for that, I should do better.

I...I don't remember Gen X being conservative anarchists.

To be fair, I worked in very misogynistic fields (modeling, fashion) as well as among trust fund…

It ain’t our fault, but we all still struggle with what we were left with.

The sad thing is, I’ve seen a lot of Millennials act just like Boomers on this.

At this point, I have no problem lighting up companies that did this to me. They need to be outed.

Not sure where you read that but I agree with you 10000 percent.

I hang out with a lot of Gen Z, haven't seen conservatism.

I happily provide for my husband, though he chips in too. It’s a good even thing these days.

These days it's for a minimum wage job at PetSmart. That's unacceptable.

If they want certain skills, they can either start at a training pay or they can require training…

When it's knowledge you already have and are forced to train, it's a grift

5 Things I Noticed About Gen Z Women And Gen Alpha Girls

You know, condescension isn’t respectful. If you can’t be polite, I can ban you.

You are the exception to the rule and I’m super glad to see it!

Considering that I just watched Dahmer, I concur

TBH I think any HR rep who thinks this is okay should stop smoking crack.

I never understood that attitude.

You speak wise words my crustpunk soul wished not to hear <3

I've seen it done. Tax forms looked like a damn spiderweb

Yeah, and that’s what’s so alarming about it

Being a male chauvinist isn’t a good thing…

Jobs Are Fining Workers For Quitting, And It Could Happen To You


Back in the day when me and my crew were free range ferals, one of our boys had a sugar daddy who…

I wolf down food because it used to be me and like five other people arguing over a pot.

Very true!

I'm willing to bet you were a better lay to your girlfriends than most!

9 Signs Of A Guy Who Is Terrible In Bed

I don't fully subscribe to that.

If that is what works for you, I wish you the best.

My manners can be great if they're Western and I'm on my A-game.

Bro, I would have curled up and died if that happened to me. That's definitely one for the records.

Incognito mode or using a different computer without logging in will help <3

Oddly enough, I wasn’t really sure how common it was with guys.

OnlyFans and platforms like it have special protocols for human trafficking, I believe.

No cap, I’ve always wanted to eat lutefisk.

It was written in my termination contract.

I guess it’s the circles I run in.

You got things a bit mixed.


They can't take what they dish.

Yep. I think that's why my trafficker preyed on young poly girls.

The Ugly Truth That No One Is Saying About Amouranth’s Abuse

That's a legit superpower!

Hot Take: Polyamory Is Not A Wise Idea For Most People

True. No body language is spot-on 100 percent of the time.

Most likely, you struggle with eating and body image.

I'm all for taking people out to restaurants and fine dining, but it doesn't have to be fancy 100…

Love it! I've never been called Tepf before. Otep, yes. Not Tepf.

Lol, he knows and we laugh about it together. You seem to think my husband owns me. He doesn’t.

I'm Romanian, so yes, I've seen it.

5 Things You Can Learn About A Person By Watching Them Eat

I agree with this.

I definitely wanted to be married by 18.

I wasn't really aware of how much this affects men too.

YO! My baby daddy did the same thing.

Lemme guess, everyone back home was like *shocked Pikachu face* and "You're doing so well!

Yes! As a weirdo, I feel I'm highly qualified for this position.

Girl, I think you should transition to...CEO of a Dev Firm! We need more ladies in tech.

I've said it before and I'll say it agaih: the most sexually prolific man I've ever met was a…

Trust me, the moment you find Ms. Right, women will ask why not them.

You are not fugly!

This Is The Type Of Failure No One Talks About

Honestly, it's not women's burden to fix these guys.

*visible discomfort in New Jerseyan* This...this photo deeply upsets me.

While YOU may not think this is correct, read the comments by women.

I don't know if it happens with guys too. Does it?

Sounds like women you should avoid.

This Is The Awkward Moment Many Women Experience After Marriage

I've been there too.

It's not that limited though.

I was ready to feel called out because I write about socio-economic class differences but this took…

Unfortunately, when it comes to women, they kind of have to be picky.

Here’s The Real Truth About Why So Many “Nerds” Stay Single

7 Ways To Spice Up A Mocktail

Wait...Phil Foglio?

8 Signs Someone Is Going To Betray You Soon

It means I slept in a warehouse where people would cook drugs and snort things and sell pills.

Fashion Nova, believe it or not.

And what do you offer her?

It's hard to tell with conservatives these days

If all you are going to do is spout misogyny, you're getting banned.

So women should just date guys they aren't into, right? Wow....The entitlement is real here.

PSA: Pregnant Women Do Not Need Your Advice Or Shaming

How My Writer Friend Ended My Approval-Seeking Behavior

Actress was great, but the writing was painfully bad

I’m diagnosed as developmentally delayed/mildly on the spectrum. I feel this comment so hard.

If schadenfreude was meat, this would be the wagyu filet mignon of it

The Beautiful Implosion Of Peter Thiel’s Conservative Dating App

I think you nailed it.

The problem is that college used to be for LEARNING.

The Inescapable Problem With Children’s Entertainment Companies

Honestly, restaurants and other companies are going to have to start a "Karen Clause."

Sometimes I feel like I need to hire a comic book artist to make fun porn again.

The foster system is brutal. I gotta admire anyone who survives that.

We survived.

Unpopular Opinion: I Love Campy Retro Porn Games, Books And Comics

EXACTLY. This movie just continued the same type of abuse she suffered in life!

You nailed it! The director really got creepily voyeuristic with it!

Giving you a hug from afar. You've got this!

Mais oui, je parle francais.

Hollywood respects her more now that she's died...except for this debacle of a movie, of course.

Because of the sexual and reproductive abuse I faced from doctors (being denied birth control…

Right? Silly me.

I ran out of fucks and still do it. People think I'm lying. *shrug*

And I used to love Jack Benny, especially with his violin...Ugh...

Ned Fulmer’s Dismissal From The Try Guys Raises Serious Questions

I keep saying, America is NO PLACE to raise a kid or give birth.

Ya know, I can see it 50/50.

That quote, though.

Believe It Or Not, It’s Okay To Cry About Being Single

Facts. But yeah gallows humor is a thing


Bingo. You can't live on $1500 when an apartment costs $1000.


Very likely.

I also explained why I'm doubtful and why it's unlikely. But point taken

Another reason I don't believe it

Yep. At one point in my life, me and a bunch of my friends would split Chinese food in a pot.

This explains why a bunch of my friends served in Afghanistan.

Trust me, I dig glamour too!

10 Low-Key Signs Someone’s Been Through Hell

Ana de Armas absolutely killed it.

I definitely am still working through my rage, but it's way better than it used to be.

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but I can't figure out if you're anti-relationship or just telling…

That's outrageous.


Exactly. They really, really turned her into a professional victim and it's sickening.

I Watched ‘Blonde.’ Here’s Why I’m So Uncomfortable With It.

You raise a good point.

I love that he's funny and such a good guy. Also it helps that he's easy on the eyes too.

Being unable to care for oneself is a key symptom of depression.

Keys were apparently in the living room, Bugatti was in remote-controlled garage.

Yep. Every time I look at my childhood memories, I get another dose of WTF.

You sound extremely unhealthy.

Bro, retail is brutal and I lasted a total of three months. You are a braver soul than I.

I note that NOT ALL rich people are like this.

Ain't that the truth, girl.

Nah, they are if you want to be happy in life. Trust me, I used to be good looking.

I definitely agree with what you're saying.

6 Things An Emotionally Healthy Man Never Does

I like that idea a lot!

I updated it with information that potentially debunks the scandal.

The Cost Of Content: Buzzfeed Allegedly Fed Dog Meat To Their Staff

In New Jersey, it's becoming normal.

They're trying to outlaw both.

I believe a homie called Bobby McGee says something like that. Feeling good was good enough for me.

I’ve been the ugly girl too, believe it or not.

Restaurant Tip Culture Is Starting To Piss Me Off


Season 2 is up, I think we're on Season 3

Okay? So my gaydar is bad?

My mom did not give me that talk.

More like, I’ve never expected to see how my favorite cartoons would end up grossing me out.

It gives you a 10 percent discount on the service.

I tried my hand at retail at 18 years old. Lasted 1 month.

I mean my mom is subtle like a jackhammer to the wall, and she's from Europe.

I wrote about that too.


I did too. Then I wondered if Sarah Silverman ever actually sold feet pics. It was a weird day.

That is such a vital truth. Improvement (and desire of) is key!

Exactly. It's not all rich people.

I feel like you would get along with my educated entourage.

7 Stupid Things Rich Entrepreneurs Don’t Get About Normal People

It's column A, column B.

Here's the thing. It's still fucked to say "not all men"

By that virtue women should fuck around too

It scares me so much.

That means you’re a good man.

I definitely keep reading the guidelines. It doesn't seem very strict?

The thing is, it's systemic oppression that's coming in play too.

Hey, I want to help you out.

I Had The Worst Month Ever On Medium. Here’s How I Turned It Around.

I mean, you kind of are doing a #notallmen.

Feel better!

I like the cut of your jib, Dawn. *tips energy drink can in your direction*

I think you may be right on some points, but things change when people find out you’re a model.

Woof. Thank you for proving my point.

I think you might actually get the same hate that my model friends do.

This reminds me of a story my mom told me when we lived in Deal.

Yes! And we need to talk about it more!

I don't know much about South African history. I should research that.

I've been both the hot one and ugly one.

Can't wait to read it! <3

She's Jewish but plays the "tradwife" look online.

At Monmouth U, it was. I was almost a person!

I can explain this pretty easily: having a wife IS a status symbol.

Perhaps this is a moment where we both just see things a bit off or miscommunicated.

The Police Warnings In My Mom’s Area Proved Times Are Changing

Jail, risks of dying, and risks of loss definitely matter more when you're ultra wealthy.

To be fair, this article is literally only a couple of hours old lol

No, most models are like me.

You would be amazed at the hate pretty women get, my friend.

4 Things That Get More Expensive The Wealthier You Get

Speaking as a model, looks, money, and fame aren't what I go for in a guy.

Yes and no.

That's just the thing.

I should really do something about Stepford Wives. I grew up around a fuckton of them.

Yep. I stay at the overweight mark because I want to be a person to people. They don't get it.

And how was his wife supposed to know he's a cheater?

When you're fat, you're invisible.

Bingo. No drama no story.

You know, I never knew that but I see that now.

I'm not, but I am on Insta. @ossiana.makes.content

The celebrity couples who make it are not the ones you hear about on the news, trust me.

Take a look at my next point.

I've also been warned against "direction checking," regularly say "deadass," and have heard of…

*hugs* If you ever feel like reaching out, I'm on Twitter!

Can I get an amen?!

A lot of those women are spoiled kids from middle- to upper middle-class neighborhoods who get…

Ayeeee leave those innocent tenacle monsters being defiled outta that! (JK.)

Respectfully, I'm just saying what I noticed from going from living in a traphouse to living in…

The more I find out about your background, the more I feel we're kindred spirits.

The problem is that after a certain level of "hot" there's not really many "right men" out there.

Read the part where I mention that she was smart to choose someone in the industry.

Probably one of the most twisted things I've read this month. Kudos on highlighting this issue.

Ayeee! Once-Poor-Now-Wealthy Fam! Love to see another one of us doing it!<3

I really love this take. <3

When I was in the New Brunswick area, I was about 21 to 24. I'm 34 now. So...yep.

I don't think he did, and I think he's lecturing me...erm, mansplaining? Not sure.

Reread my article because you totally missed the point.

Supermodels don't, nor do most influencers.

Yep. The guy from the "Respect" article and the "predator" article is blue collar and earns $13 an…

But if we tell the menfolk that, it might hurt their fee-fees!

Basically why I don't dress rich or feminine.

One of my friends had to transfer to a school for the mentally disturbed in high school after he…

Hubba hubba!

I feel like Ben has submission fantasies that get really weird.

It says a lot, don't it?

I try. It's weird because it's so common

I agree that cheaters cheat, but it's definitely more telling when models are more likely to…

I’m Going To Say What No One Else Will About The Adam Levine Scandal

West NY is really nice.

I got to the point in my life where I can't be bothered to buy all the clothes for all the…

Online dating is starting to gain a stigma again and I'm honestly for it.

Very true.

Why Do Some People Only Respect People Who Treat Them Badly?

Subtlety Died With The Queen Of England

Feel free to spread the word. It took me 34 years to recognize what was happening.

And you bring??

Let’s see…

All my friends are in the club scene and my husband is a DJ.

I actually explained a bit of it in this piece.

I mean, I've run into 7-11's in the Bronx with my friends wearing matching outfits.

Believe it or not, there ARE stores for them. It's called "modest wear."

A lot of men are going to be horrified at the consequences of their votes. 'Nuff said.

I should do an article on that, huh?

I FUCKING LOVED THE PREPPY HANDBOOK! I still re-read it because it reminds me of how I grew up.

Yep. I attended a secular private university but they still had that same attitude towards women…

I guarantee they'd have meltdowns if tables would turn .

Everyone who hears I'm the stay-at-home wife thinks my husband earns stuff...Until

What are you talking about?

White Midwestern Christian Women Are Ridiculously Fetishized

Most dangerous, too.

It's a legit thing. It's how women in those circles network and hang out.

Unfortunately women are right to drop out of the dating scene if they have too many bad experiences.

Here's the thing, though.

5 Surprisingly Telling Hobbies Of The Wealthy And Middle Class

To be fair, I'm usually the dumbass who doesn't check who's married or what their issues are before…

Verbal abuse is still abuse.

We need more Jay-style common sense in the world.

I've been called a creepy old woman for marrying my husband.

I got called a creep and a predator for marrying a man 10 years younger than me by my coworkers at…

Woof, dude.

There are literal billboards all over the Turnpike for Exxxotica.

I should do something about vegan-friendly food chains.

Numbers-wise, this doesn't make sense.

Oh...oh dear. You sound very bitter lol

Would you ask for a blowie while you're working?

I can't tell if you are being wilfully ignorant as a joke if you are genuinely that misogynistic.

Everyone is shocked when people hear that I earn three times my husband’s wage these days.

Very true. I'm just not sure he ever had sex! The dude was on another planet

Quite possibly. A lot of my porn friends want me to shoot content with them.

I mean, guy friends sometimes see the signs.

5 Signs Of A Totally Undateable Man

I low-key agree because some of the ways that I’ve been coerced are technically not rape but are…

I am telling you right now, Mr.

So blame the victim for being abused.

Are We Going To Talk About How Uber Eats Talked Sex Work In A Commercial?

I used to work for Vocal and can attest it was shitty for my mental wellbeing as an in-house writer…

I strongly disagree with all this.

Followed! Let's see if it works!

I know, but I always use Grubhub out of habit

This is both a simple and genius idea and I have no idea why it seemed so foreign for me. I will!

What traits did you notice? You got me curious!

We Need To Talk About The Disaster That’s Ordering Online Food Delivery

I already wrote about it but would love to add mine to your publication. @ossiana.tepfenhart

"No Romance" = "I'm a selfish, spoiled little shit who wants you to do the pickme dance."

#SorryNotSorry: Disney Live Remakes Are Fucking Awful

All Men Know Some Sexual Predators, But Do They Know Who They Are?

I also have a bone to pick with Disney's remakes.

Women who are like that are in for a rough ride.

ASMR And Whisper Porn: What’s The Deal With This Stuff?

Might want to check my latest article about twitch streaming. It definitely brings sympathy to men.

It's so strange you say that!

Is Twitch Streaming Why Young Men Are Dropping Out Of The Workforce?

Rush Geek, I am ready to hug you for bringing this story up. I see this so much in the scene.

Very true. These types are the first to scatter when people call them out on their shit.

True story.

Reminds me of the time that I saw my friend after he OD'd on PCP.

Here’s the Reason Why So Many Artistic Geniuses Are Mentally Ill

You’re amazing ❤

I mean, Reddit kinda traumatized me with its misogyny.

It's wild.

It's so true. Like, why bother asking women to join if they ban them?!

Last month was decent for me, but this month?

This means a lot to me.

75 Percent Of Tinder Users Are Now Men. Why Are Guys Shocked?

I should probably start writing about my technique.



I really feel like I got shadowbanned or something

So it's not just me?

I need those shares and views though.

I’m Trying To Stay Positive, But My Medium Views Halved This Month

I'm with you. I know this sounds bad, but I don't think freedom of speech is a smart idea.

Oh no, I did. I was just surprised at how hard in Grubhub went.

They were literally hounding a woman who barely spoke English to make her look stupid.

Ain't that the truth? This UFO stuff is making people act crazy

5 Signs People Around You Typecasted You

What I don't get is how it hooks people. I really don't.

I won't say that you're in danger because they NEED writers.

Is There A New Breed Of Family Annihilation On The Rise?

You are absolutely correct. We are not freaked out enough by this.

They had me on "tenure" then laid me off.

I used to work for them in house.

WTF: Grubhub’s Commercials Have Hidden Lore?!

Sometimes I swear I feel it like a burning right in the top of my stomach.

The more I learn about you, the more we have in common.

I don't understand how people think this is okay. And yet we don't talk about it.

That's not healthy, Satish.

Hit me hard with that stuff!

“Why Didn’t My Mom Protect Me From Dad?”

I didn't even go into the episode that involved Bugs being boiled in a pot by some weird tribe.

See. I'd rather just deal with people who don't need that barrier to be decent.

Oof. The more you know, I guess..,

I remember the story of Br’er Rabbit and the Tar Baby growing up.

I feel a lot better now.

I mean, I grew up in an all-white Jersey town. I knew racism was a thing, but never like this.

Nope. All on you, my friend!

YO, this is something I experience too.

I think the normalization of plastic and poverty are going to be looked at the same way we see the…

Surprising. I know a lot of states require it. Good to know!

I Rewatched My Childhood Shows, And WTF Did I Grow Up With?

If you can't be respectful, you can be blocked. Bye Felipe.

7 Signs A Person’s Playing Mind Games With You

As a New Jerseyan and insufferable Northerner, I get nervous about Alabama because every time I…

Thank you for reading it! Feel free to share!

Chase does this, all of them have done it at one point or another.

What I don't know is how long this delay has been going on.

Very true, my bad.

So, I actually reached out to them.

If they can't find anyone they're into, they either have to improve until they're more attractive…

I intend to, thank you for agreeing with me.

Women are also trying to leave America.

Feel free to share. I know you know someone who needs to hear this

I don't understand how people can keep assuming America's #1.

3 F’d Up Things Happening To Porn Stars You Didn’t Hear About

I knew the KKK was active in the 20s, but the thing is, I never quite expected it to be here now.

I literally had a male dom who was part of several organizations saying I gave misinformation about…

That's the thing, there WAS a directive barring crashers!

Not The South: White Supremacists Crashed A Labor Day Parade In NJ

I really thought I was doing something wrong this month.

What you experienced sounds wonderful.

It's not and there need to be guides, and there needs to be actual regulation on sites like Fetlife.

I Love BDSM. Here’s Why I’ll Never Go Back To The Kink Scene.

Why should people have to date people they're not attracted to?

For what it's worth, I've worked 996 and heavier.

I just wish the self-awareness-needing people would read this.

This is really me.

I definitely need to learn more about the House of Mouse. Thanks for the tip!

I'm very into role reversal romances---to a point.

I Finally Figured Out What It Means When Men Say They “Want A Chase.”

The Culinary Showstoppers In ‘Reservation Dogs’

I've been there before, and it's definitely a weird energy.

The Terrifying And Vindicating Sight Of Narcissistic Collapse

I swear I remember that movie!

From what I researched, he "ate his feelings."

The way I figure it, drugs both saved and ruined my life.

Believe it or not, I never got to smoke real opium and it's kind of a FOMO for me.

He lied about being pro-choice at the start, lied about Putin, lied under oath about the nuclear…

1) If being able to support yourself makes you a top tier man, then you have bigger problems than…

Is Anyone Else Sick Of Ex-Trump Staffers Saying How Dangerous Trump Is?

I have no words for how shitty this outlook is, dude.

I do and don't agree with this.

I Tried To Eat Like Elvis For A Day, And It Sucked.

She sounds like she probably earned that setback. That kind of behavior is like...beyond crazy.

Poverty Inertia: Why Entire Towns Get Stuck Being Poor

I can't understand how helping one another is a source of contention, but I gotta credit you.

CoryxKenshin Just Started A YouTube Revolt


Blue states are totally willing to nationalize insurance.

Even the most ignorant person will realize they are fooled when the mask comes off.

Nasty like month-old McDonald's. It's true.


I do think that Florida is going to have a reckoning of sorts.

If you have any other tips for Newsbreak, please tell me. I literally just started mine.

You're making me blush, but who's Ms. Hubbel?

Florida Is Becoming Unlivable. Just Ask Insurance Companies.

My foray into the mom world was what convinced me that I don't want my kid to raise my grandkids…

Absolutely, as long as it's from legitimate medical sources. Even WebMD can be good for that.

I had it and I can confirm I was a danger to myself and others.

I have yet to hear of a parent whose kid OD'd on Tylenol in my circles, but I have heard of parents…

I legit started reading about Doveland and was like "THERE HAS TO BE A WORD FOR THIS!"

I needed this.

It's totally fucked. I'm going to be writing a rant about certain things I heard.

We’re in the same boat, chica. I just wish more cis folk would hear us out. ❤

It actually took me running away from home and escaping several deadly situations to realize I was…

I remember telling my gym teacher that I hated being a girl and that I didn't want to be one.

You actually got a monitor lizard? Those things are MASSIVE!

I don't think they want to get laid. I think they want power.

Everyone asks me why I'm so anti-church.

Yo, I didn't know about that but I do think you gave me a good idea for an article.

Yep. Can confirm, I look like a paper bag 90 percent of the time when I’m with my rich friends.

If you already gave birth to your kid, then you don't need to worry about it getting autism.

Fun fact about me: I tried to make one.

You made me blush.

The Ugly Argument Of The Cotton Ceiling

That right to privacy was what held up abortions, yes.

I gotta check that out.

The Appallingly Disgusting Messages Of Dating Apps’ Single Men

We need to collectively say this is not women's role in life.

This is something that I didn’t know. Holy shit.

PSA: Joining The Wrong Mom Group Can Kill Your Kids

The WASPy side of me comes with perks and pitfalls.

The Psychology Of Asking For Nudes

Have You Experienced A Hyperstition?

I feel the same way about the town I grew up in.

I gotta get info on this. Thanks for the lead!

It totally is.

As someone who is not a Mormon, this was total news to me.

If you’re going to be a dick to me because I’m from Jersey, you don’t have to read my stuff.

You are by far, not the first person that I've heard that from.

Baltimore, near the docks and near 83, will make me freak out.

Can confirm. That place is EVIL.

My 5 Most Controversial Takes On Food In New Jersey

Does A Church Own Your Apartment Complex?


I can'r even hate on this comment because it's really true.

I always thought I was weird for wanting DZ over Chuck E.

We really are kindred spirits. It definitely feels like a trans thing.

There's nothing wrong with being protective.

I’m Really Tired Of Hearing That Men Are Women’s Protectors

Fun (and weird) fact: I had a colleague of mine celebrate his 25th birthday at a Chuck E.

You mean you didn't want to eat recycled pizza and stare at dead-eyed animatronics? How odd.

This Is The One Thing I Never Thought Would Happen Growing Up…

Montgomery makes sense to me. I mean, it's a very impoverished city with a history in slavery.

7 Signs You’re A Walking Red Flag

I've actually passed through that town!

This is actually a very good description of what happened with me and several of my friends who…

You are a pastor I'd raise my coffee cup to! I'll say amen to that!

Has Anyone Else Noticed The Anti-Trans Influx On Twitter?

Dude, I don't get the vibe of a happy person from your writing here.

Yep. I use Medium as a paid squawkbox for me.

Waiiiit...Is that me? Because it sounds like me.

3 Reasons Why Chuck E. Cheese Is A Dying Restaurant Chain

When wages are $15 an hour and average rent is $1500, there is a problem and that is a failure.

It’s okay.

Preach!!!!! Love it!

This is so true. I don't think people realize how scared men are right now.

I don't know what happened to you, but whatever it is must've been bad.

There are a couple out there who are similar.

1) Source:

That's not how any of this works bro.

This is exactly what I think is happening.

One of the best moments of my life was watching a black woman from a baptist church tear a new one…

Do Bad Energy Towns Really Exist, Or Is It All In One’s Head?

Honestly, if it gets to that point, you may need to pull them aside and go, "Listen, if you keep on…

Here's the thing: both relationships and hookups start the same way.

I've seen a lot of people turn to addictions because they don't really feel like they have anyone…

It is very apt that you point out the drinking aspect. It's a thing I noticed, too.

Is it bad that I actually laughed when I read this? It's a vibe, for sure.

Being able to conform is something that never really worked for me.

That may be a key difference.

I Used To Be A PUA Coach. Here’s My $0.02 On Andrew Tate.

Not going to lie, I feel a bit jealous. They sound like amazing people.

You definitely had a different experience than mine.

As a kink, yes.

The Arrogance Of Female Fundies (And Their Misogyny)

Rejection Dysphoria Is Real, And It Could Be Messing With Your Mind

#notallmen again?

Thank you! I feel like the mullet on the outside now matches my mullet on the inside <3

Robert, I dont know how to tell you this, but wanting to possess someone isn't normal.

Coca-Cola Just Leaned Into Its Vaporwave Aesthetic

That’s true, and it’s something I generally feel like I should cover in a separate article.

Please tell me he didn't reproduce. I feel so sorry for anyone who bought his spiel.

Actually, yes, this is a behavior that's going to go national.

When my rights were stolen from me, I’m going to post about it. It’s not politics, it’s a travesty.

Truth is that diversity strengthens us.

Standing in solidarity with you.

“I Love Women,” Said The Misogynist

Yes and no.

I feel like I need to hug you and your stepdaughter. You’re so strong for that.

DM me on Twitter, let’s talk.

You are making me blush <3

This is why I'm all about being one's own CEO.

The "Pro Life" party that encourages gun use, the death penalty, and the gutting of social welfare…

When I had to make the decision to adopt out my daughter, I got similar reactions from both genders.

You have no idea how bad you sound right now, do you?

Doing The Unthinkable: Abandoning An Older Child

Yeah, I think that's by design.

I want Seyfried's murderers to live with what they did.

In my area, it's not a middle class income by any means.

She actually did. There's a curvy Barbie doll line now that looks more human.

Bye #BossBabe Barbie, Hello Health Queen Barbie

It hits a bit different when you got out of crippling poverty.

When I found out how these people died, I was shocked.

Teachers...? I'm sorry but what kind of teachers are we talking about?

This is so true. Sometimes social media feels like pain shopping.

I resonate with this so hard.

When Work Is Literally Killing You: A Silent Epidemic

What usually happens, from what I've seen, is that the husband realizes what he lost in the first…

7 Signs A Person Is Afraid Of Success

When I hear a guy blame women for trusting a man, I immediately note that I want nothing to do with…

So, I Relapsed And I’m Angry At The World

I actually wrote a review on Newark Beth Israel to let others know what they did to me.

I'm a huge fan of r/antiwork for this reason. We rise together!

You're absolutely right. I got to do better

Generation Bitchmade: How We Trained A Generation To Be Wimps

He sounds like an amazing man. I feel like we have a lot of similar experiences.

I don't know.

This is textbook hostile home environment and harassment.

The “Nowhere Men” I’ve Met

I’m so sorry this happened to you.

It's not easy being a DJ, trust me.

Not every piece will hit with everyone. I am debating doing a parody/humor piece though

To The Woman Who’s Wondering If She’s Being Unreasonable

Ivana was definitely a hit job in my opinion

I heard education and winced. You are a stronger person than me.

Yo, I've had those moments. I should do some articles about my WOAH moments.

There are so many questions I have.

So, is it writing, music, or tech? Those industries are the worst I've seen.

They're better than the best, and harder than the rest. Megalomaniacal and smarter than the rest.

I used to live in Monmouth County. I'm now way up north.

Sounds like we may be neighbors, haha.

Thank you! <3 <3

What Ivana Trump’s Funeral Teaches Us About Narcissism

I agree.

Bruh, we didn't even have free charging stations. It was just straight backrooms-style hell there.

I’ve been posting a ton lately, but I decided to slow things down for my own sanity and because it…

I’ve always thought incest was seen as way more horrific than standard rape.

Correct. They didn't pay me.


Happened to me too. Nowadays I refuse to tolerate it. I hope your mom is doing well.

It was a shock when I walked into work and they introduced me to my new boss...The

I was lucky because I had a crew to watch out for me and we'd sleep in shifts near the subways or…

I'm East Coast, from an old money town. May be just an East Coast/NYC/New England thing.

Depends on the person.

I used to be homeless, and trust me, if it comes off that way, I don't mean it.

Yep. I'm rooting for you!

This is why I would flip out if my daughter asked to go to BYU or a similar Christian school.

I disagree. My man is 10 years younger and it works out swimmingly.

Loro Piana, Philip Plein, Mouawad...

I think you missed the point of this.

We now have two! And they're twins!

Lol, he does see it. It's good stuff.

Change can be good.

I can't say I'm a fan of metal per se, but I'm an ex-goth who still loves deathrock and industrial.

Why Teachers Are Getting Arrested For Sex Crimes In Record Numbers

7 Signs Someone Is Threatened By You

You are going to go far, bro!

When it is, it's usually a middle class thing

Sorry, I don't think they make those anymore...

We went to Kings after and bathed heavily. We are okay now,

Custom-made, tailored to fit.

I'm a fashion fanatic, but my sense of fashion doesn't match with most others.

Hit me with an invite!

Propaganda, rampant narcissism, and isolation seem to be to blame for the downward spiral in…

That sounds pretty bad.

The Divide Between My Single And Taken Friends: Is It Really Because Of Marriage?

I can offer some insight into this world, because it's similar to media/modeling/music artist stuff.

The Dystopian Hellscape That Is In-Store Amazon Fresh Shopping

How To Handle Your Coworkers Purposefully Excluding You

Why The Wealthy Dress Differently From You

I'll never understand why women stay fans of artists who hate them

This is true if you're talking about men who are NOT manchildren.

It does, but not in the same proportions.

You'd think so, but not quite.

How To Prevent Men From Forcing Emotional Labor On You

That’s an amazing set of friends.

It’s weird.

How I Became A Paid Food Critic (And How You Can, Too)

Hello Love, Beloved were really good when I started out.

I mean I make my money marketing my personality, so I have to beg to differ. But to each his own.

The Ugly Truth About Why Many Women Stay In Awful Relationships

I think that's what gets me about ghosting.

Can confirm. Humans are shitty

My DJ Husband And I Are Leaving Nightlife (And We’re Okay With It)

So, I shouldn't have control over my choice to be sterilized?

Back in November, I was you. Give it a year, you'll be amazed at the progress you make!

What was the article? I’d love to see it, either way.

Believe it or not, I actually was in your shoes.

The college I dropped out from now costs $50,000 a year. I couldn't go back if I wanted to.

Very true, and with those kinds of degrees, it IS a must.

True. I've also had doctors ignore ACOG recommendations against sterilization, so I know doctors…

Bingo. Failed/expelled.

Yep. Totally not the will of the old white men who passed laws banning them. Definitely God's will.

So, I Think Every Writer Agrees The New Algorithm Sucks

What The Hell Is “Pink Sauce,” And Why Do I Already Hate It?

You know, you're still not seeing what you're doing wrong.

Professors write a bunch. You're a writer in my eyes!

Online deliveries are doable in most states.

Eat Your Caviar Now, ’Cause Sturgeons Are All Gonna Die

The problem is you're still blaming women for trusting men.

So you agree that women should stay away from men until men stop blaming women for choosing badly?

Here's the thing.

Exhibita A- I learned through doing.

You make it sound like guys don't present a fake persona to get laid.

Not really.

You pointed out something very true that I forgot about.

Education Is The Class War No One Talks About

Because it looked similar to me.

Without fail, every Rush fan I met IRL played guitar, read comic books, and had a band that played…

Ohhhh you're an incel. That explains everything.

You…should probably consider therapy.

Also, don't know if you have a band, but if you do, an "international tour" for a couple of years…

Not all stores will send baby formula during a shortage or have pharmacists humiliate you.

I haven't personally seen this in my circles, save for one girl who dated a guy 7 years older than…

Bro, I don't know how to tell you this, but if you blame women for taking a chance on men, you…

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

I'm hoping men read this article and take note of what they can do to better women's experience.

When I was an escort, we did "nuru massages."

“I’m Thinking Of Paying For Sex,” She Said.

Wish I was joking...

Apparently, he’s now on radio.

I really wish I had you as a doctor, especially if you would have practiced OBGYN.

This crazy old crone (me) appreciates you!

As someone who has a hard time keeping B-12 and taurine in my system, I guzzle energy drinks as a…

Same. Jan fan for life!

Definitely have to calm the fuck down again. Thank you for this.

A healthy relationship isn't a conquest and it's time we reframe that.

The problem is that the GOP is not conservative anymore. It's regression

The GOP Death Cult: Conservatives Are Killing Themselves To Own The Libs

McDonald's is fucking brutal. I have a high amount of respect for anyone who tolerates that.

And if they don't want to, they dont have to.

Not true.

You don't know that, and you don't know what that particular person wants.

Not all women can, and even if they could, NOT YOUR HIGH GROUND.

Thank you for proving my point.

It definitely is that way.

If you are ever in Jersey, let's do a writer's dinner at one!

Thank you for reading it!

Believe it or not, I didn't know that it was Morton's that did that.

Facts. I already have been living in this dystopia for years in a blue state.

Same boat here. Birthmom. It's...disgusting how many people think they're entitled to uteruses.

The Rise Of Luxury Restaurant Chains (And What It Means For Fine Dining)

Trust me, we're okay.

This is actually known as "lean staffing." It's a legit phenomenon.

Getting The “Ick” From An Entire Gender Is Increasingly Common

Yep. I now have my own biz and can’t look back.

I resemble this article. <3

You can hire a person who has a bad personality but makes your company flourish.

You know, I feel like I should have been a psych in another life.

Not Just You: 5 Cruel Ways Companies Mess With Employees’ Minds

Glad to be of service! Spread the word to your friends!

Giving you cyber hugs.

Duane Reade was SO amazing pre-merger.

Feel free to spread the word with this article.

The last company I worked for was all about "culture." It left me with permanent damage.

If I divorce or become a widow, that's it for me.

Still am amazed that I have been a fan of a playboy model's writing without knowing it!

What's funny about this relative is that I make triple what she makes now.

If You’re Child-Bearing Person, Stop Shopping At Walgreens Immediately

YES. I should write that list as an article.

It’s Not My Party, But I’ll Cry If I Want To

There's definitely a very big divide when it comes to Gen Z men.

I got passed up for being a Chief Marketing Officer of a porn site.

I feel like there's never a "perfect" time to get married.

You got this. I promise you'll be alright

Are Gen Z Men Really That Undateable?

This literally happened to my mom.

When You’re Unemployable Despite Having The Right Skills

It’s going to suck, but those who take time to educate themselves and trust in science are going to…

Those types of companies are ones I have worked for.

Parents Who Threaten Teachers Don’t Realize They’ve Played Themselves

I'd love to submit!

It's funny you say that, because there was a saying among several of my friends: "Jesus raves."

Reminder: A Loving God Wouldn’t Force You Into A Role You Hate

Not as dangerous as it is for women. But I have a feeling that this isn't about that, is it?

Literal human trafficking survivor here.

There’s Nothing More Alarming Than A Person Whose Job Defines Them

I definitely learned a lot here.

I had a large portion of my uterine area removed due to illness.

I desperately want to find pawpaws in Jersey. *cries in urban youth*

I need to know your diet and fitness tips, Stat! You are amazing!

A Guy’s Guide To Approaching Sex In A Post-Roe Era

You would be shocked at how many women were like "Well, he's pro-life but it's okay, we still have…

I'd rather a man be upfront about wanting an abortion than have a man value a clump of cells or a…

If I can be half the person they were, I'd like to think I did good.

True. I mean, that's what I learned about life from them.

Live Your Life By This Funeral Principle

I mean, it's one way to produce fewer Republicans...

5 Reactions You Get Sick Of When You’re Not Neurotypical

Why People Who Reject You Get Upset When You Walk Away

Reminds me of Jersey.

I mean, it is funny tho.

Why The Hell Are Men Tanning Their Nutsacks?

I consider myself a business owner.

I think you need to pay your employees enough to put food on the table.

If You Say “People Just Don’t Want To Work,” Please STFU.

I am a regular kava drinker. Should I review it?

I Went To NYC’s Only Cannabis Cafe And Guzzled A Cannawine Bottle

I live on Lidl bacon, it’s cheap AF but sooo good.

Exactly. Like, my retirement plan is to not retire, because I love to write.

In my area, that's a normal price.

""Conservative" arguments like that have nothing to do with reality.

Honestly, same here. It seems so wild that there are entire ghost towns now.

Oh, Midwestern medium-to-large cities absolutely will.

Oh wow, I didn't know about that.

Oh, I just look dead sometimes. Blue skin, pink splotches = dead.

Has Anyone Else Felt Grimy Going Grocery Shopping Lately?

Good to know I'm not alone in the dip.

5 Ways The New Supreme Court Rulings Affect Your Wallet

When I was single and upset about it, people telling me I didn't "need a man" always struck me as…

I like that!

I might do something about the Old Miss/Gold Miss thing happening too.

Thank YOU for reading! <3

Michele, it sounds like you have a lot of self-loathing to unpack.

This is the first time I've ever had anything about me get called "iconic" and you've got me…

To The Women Who Are Splitting With Pro-Life Men

You're minimizing a major issue. You're banned.

Unfortunately, when someone's politics just stripped women of their right to their own bodies, it…

Same, yo.

Satish, you do not understand what is at stake here.

8 years ago, everyone said I was unreasonable for wanting to be sterilized knowing I was at risk of…

Unfortunately, it's the truth.

Definitely prioritize it while it's still legal!

The Ugly #MaskOff Moment All Women Are Seeing With Men

I was really embarrassed to admit that as a teenager, I really thought that all men thought like…

Sounds like Havre de Grace.

Calling It Now: It’s The End Of The Era Of Free Love

C'mon now, that would involve liberals actually fighting.

Legally I cannot without it being libel, because I didn't witness it myself.

I think this is going to be the way I do reviews from now on.

Somerville, NJ. But Massachusetts has so many amazing places.

They will die. Exactly how they condemned others to

False information and misogyny is not tolerated. Banned from reading.

I have heard SO MUCH about Gary.

Yo, I feel that in NJ.

Are you actually saying Roe was a bad thing?

I Read News About The Future Every Day, But Is That A Good Thing?

Sorry, but human rights and voting rights are on the line.

No, but she might as well be. She's a super sleuth.

I'm from NJ, so that could be said about everything here haha

Believe it or not, I overheard it when I was in school.

I actually knew this girl.

That's what I read. Average now is like 67,000

Annnnd you're banned from my readership for promoting misinformation.

5 Types Of Pro-Life People Who Will Magically Become Pro-Choice Soon

That sounds amazing.

I should do an article on that. Because I definitely noticed it.

OH! You meant one of the stock photos?

Okay, when you wake up, you gotta tell this Jerseyan/New Yorker what a service berry is.

Strange. It says it's Gaylord, Kansas, from the research I found.

I understand that there is a "look out for each other" joy of rural life, trust me I do.

It sucks because I love upscale restaurant food.

Love this take! <3

No joke. My ex and like, a quarter of my homies from NYC moved to Pittsburgh. It's a vibe.

The Unsavory Link Between Heroin And High-End Restaurants

Oh, I had a cow when I saw them. I was like...DO WANT!

Yep. Some of these towns literally have "city" in the name, despite being 200 people big.


Believe it or not, I get that vibe.

Trust me, I know about rural helpfulness.

I don't know of a SINGLE PERSON in my group of friends who is willing to move to a small town, even…

Posts discussing domestic violence.

Right? I literally felt like I needed a bath after I watched some episodes.

Eastern Europeans have a similar mindset.

You might be right.

I Rewatched ‘The Man Show’ And Was Shocked At How Bad It Was

And for the record, every time I hear that people don't want me back or tell me I'm wrong or weak…

Those are some good kids she raised!

Learning this the hard way.

I don't intend on returning.

You really don't like women do you?

Had the same thing happen to me.

That's coming across as very holier-than-thou.

When people think that stripping others of their body autonomy and rights is okay, there is no…

Well, if it makes you feel any better, democracy is dead and people like me are leaving.

Right here with you.

Why I Think The Midwest Is Going To Have Tons Of Abandoned Cities Soon

Republicans are going to learn that the first thing Hitler did was kill off his own followers that…

Hmmm. I think that's also an East Coast thing.

Agree to disagree.

I will never diss anyone for fighting the good fight.

Wanda, if I had one wish in the world about changing me, I wish I had the strength you do.

That party bail was actually the real start of the abuse. It was like almost overnight.

You're right. Clinton, Carter, and RBG all could have stopped this.

When (not if) it does, it's going to be hilarious seeing all the Republicans wonder why no one…

Just published.

5 Ways To Get Out Of A Hostile Country

This times a bajillion.

Trust me, already there. A lot of my friends are looking to leave too.

2017, Vocal Media.

If this country ever fought for me, if the doctors from America ever treated me right, I would have.


When they stopped caring about everyone else but themselves. That's when they became that flighty.

I should also write about my time with my feral friends, because the housing issue in Cali and New…

No, it's past the point where voting does anything. That's why I'm leaving.

I am going to make a guide especially for you <3

Democrats Failed AFAB Voters, I’m Done Believing In Them.

This is what America apparently wants.

I mean, for me, it was repeated issues.

Gotcha, fixing.

Fellow 200-pound human here. Can confirm, people are floored by my ability to marry a DJ.

Woof. There is a lot to unpack here.

The Sad Reason Your Kids Will Have Fewer Birthday Parties In Their Lives

It's because you still think "Hey, at least I can keep clean."

I mean, that particular show had a $10 cover.

7 Signs It’s Time To Go No-Contact With Your Family Member

Paved Paradise is real here. I'm glad you're out of that dumpster fire homie!

Absolutely. I don't know many women who don't want a man who cares for other people.

I Tried Exotic Fruits And You Should, Too.

That's exactly what he looked like he felt. He felt hunted.

What's weird is that people in poverty are probably going to be the winners here, simply because…

I was primarily an engineering degree (Software Engineering and Math) before I dropped out.

I know you’ve had that reaction with brand name detergents.

I still do the ‘elevator eye’ instinctually because I spent so much time on the streets, but the…

They do have male beauty pageants, especially in drag and bodybuilding. I LOVE WATCHING THEM!

The mom asking for milk is waaay out of bounds.

The Incredible Shrinking Black Man: A Tale About Inclusion

I even see one comment here which reeks of what you talk about, and it's so true.

Here’s How The Rise Of Poverty Will Change American Culture

Literally the reason why I am very hesitant to lose weight again.

I don't think you understood what I said.

Feel free to DM me via Twitter

7 Tips That’ll Make You Cool, Popular, And Desirable Online

Same! If I wasn’t married, I’d probably be celibate.

<3 But you're an awesome rock.

I always tell people this.

I always thought it was younger than that. Hm.

If we took that attitude with athletics or academia, we'd flounder.

This Is The One Surprising Thing That Made Staying Sober Hard For Me

Social Media Is Creating Two Sets Of Social Skills, And It’s Changing People

Star, I know you've experienced Pretty Girl Hate way too much.

We Need To Talk About Pretty Girl Hate, And Why It’s Hurting Feminism

Right? Like, panty drop!

A Trafficking Survivor Looks At The Ezra Miller Case

I've done similar. When I get very bad in my PTSD, I clean everything spotless.

Did A Specific “Type” Of Male Personality Go Extinct In America?

As you can tell from the anecdote, not my experience. We definitely roll with different circles.

Honestly? You might be right.

Trust me, I struggled a lot.

You would love Jersey. Most places have at least one NA beer here.

I should make one about that.

Thank you! Non-alcoholic mai tai cheers?

You seem to think looks shouldn't be celebrated at all.

It usually wasn't X-rated fluids.

Believe it or not, I never had this issue.

So it's not just me. Okay, in a weird way that was actually really comforting.

I’ve Been Sober For More Than Six Months. Here’s What I’ve Noticed.

We Should Talk About What Goes On Behind The Scenes In Beauty Pageants

I Rated My Local Donut Chains, And These Are My Findings

Grammar mistake on me, I wrote this when I'm usually asleep! But yes! I miss "you do you."

Oh, that's a different ballpark. I'm going to write about that too.

That's emotional incest, and it's scarily prevalent.

There are a lot of butthurt comments here.

NOOOOO *bursts into flames*

What you're saying is that the mother doesn't matter at all.


That means a lot coming from you! Thank you!

Can We Please Stop Shaming People Who Want A Partner?

Her husband was coming home in 5, so I figured it was better to let the baby cry it out for five…

Dude, I had similar with a Christian fundie mom who was almost my MIL and a socialite mom who was…

Agree to disagree. I've never met a Republican woman who's pro-life but believes in equal rights.

I get mine from Amazon. So good with coconut milk and ice, yo.

5 Non-Alcoholic Summer Drinks Worth Trying

7 Signs Your Boyfriend’s Mom Hates Women

The thing is, women can't always tell.

On paper, they're boundless.

Those might work well for some, but for people like me, it was all about raves.

Nah, I acted like a cat and hissed at people.

EDM mainstream is always super young. I always am like..."Are you even old enough to be here?"

I don't think you got the message in my writing. Oh well.

David, we might have actually partied in NYC if you were around in the early 2000s.

I don't know where you are located, but you are old enough to go to an outlaw rave or an all ages…

This is a problem that's definitely getting worse when it comes to gentrification. It sucks.

Well, you're talking to someone who's been victimized by a misogynistic doctor.

Teach me your ways. I need to know how to clean it up!

Why Most New Parents Go Through A Mourning Stage

Yo that’s beyond fucked. I never watched, so I didn’t notice.

Get A Job (And A Date) With These Tips That Make You Attractive

I'm 34. Husband is 25. So...surrounded by young people.

I think you missed the point I made.

Thank you for proving my point.

Yikes, bro. Are you okay? You sound really, really bitter.

There's an age-old trick that I used: "Hey, I'm waiting for a date.

Last time I checked, you're not dead, so you still have time.

Why Is Masculinity So Fragile?


8 Signs You’re Guilty Of Asking For Sandwich Sex

True. Very true.

Pyramid, yep. And most people in the hardcore scene traveled to hard dance as far as raves go.

Everyone’s Ignoring A Major Warning Sign About American Youth Culture

Has Anyone Noticed What A Shitshow LinkedIn Happens To Be?

5 Things That Help You Cope with Immense Grief

Poppy Playtime, FNAF, And Why Horror Games Got Super Dark

Can Your Youth Shape Your Sexual Fetishes?

It's weird.

I’m not Christian, but the “collective trauma” sin makes some sense.

Oh, I had a lot of articles on them.

Opinion: We Need An Official Diagnosis For Dating Trauma

Baking them hardens the exterior so you can pick them up by hand.

Pawpaw foods and plumgrannies are apparently my new thing to scope out, vegan-wise.

How Men Teach Women To Hate Them

They're mashed potatoes that are then piped through a icing piper into a flower pattern, then baked.

I’ve seen this happen at diners. Waiting on my Duchess potatoes, yo.

Wall Streeters: You're being lazy, we're letting you go if you don't fix this now.

The Strange Phenomenon Of Dollar Store Music

I feel like we need to be friends, just because I'd listen to every single tale you have about…

I was so ready to hate you for this, but it's true. Will be more checked in the future.

You have to be free and clear, and then you have to make sure to pay the fee.

Plumgrannies? This sounds awesome. What is a plumgranny?!

I drink a lot of Red Bull and Monster.


I definitely see that.

I cannot say I agree with you on a lot of these things.

What does pawpaw taste like? I am dying to know.

Paved Paradise Syndrome: Why He Only Respected You After You Left

I can't wait to join you.

I have a sun allergy, so if I know I'll be outdoors for long during the summer, I switch to linens…

Unfortuantely, my tolerance for opposing views ends when guys want me to not have rights.

I should do an article on the difference between a relationship and a bang maid.

I’m Low-Key Obsessed With Appalachian Food Culture

*checks notes* The GOP, I think.

5 Lifehacks That Made Me Super-Productive

Spitting straight facts, as always.

Right? Like, I sit there and look at them and am like, "Hmmm...I don't think they want that."

You had me at bananas foster...

5 Things Most Men Don’t Know About Women

This is one of the realest comments I've heard lately, Satish.

Honestly, he deserved to be called out for lying.

Pro-tip: Blend Kava with iced sweetened coffee or matcha green tea lattes to dull the flavor.

I mean, I like aspics, but my mom is a bad cook and that was one of the more edible options.

Survey Says, Men Want Relationships More Than Women Do

6 New Restaurant Trends That You’ll Probably See Soon

Oddly enough, I can say it is a struggle for me, too. And I'm a plus size person.

I've worked in high fashion and heard stories about what they do to models, particularly male…

When you put it that way, it’s even more fucked up.

Oh, trust me, I’ve been fetishized by many, many men.

I feel so bad for Asian women because American men tend to get so creepy wth them.

The Reason My Daughter Hates Girls’ Clothes Stunned Me

“I Don’t Have The Privilege To Date Men Of My Race.”

Season Of The Witch: Why Women Love Witchcraft

Yarp! I'm an extreme leftist, so I married a rave DJ. It works. Like attracts like.

Oof. This remark strikes very close to home for me.

At this point, I no longer feel safe in America and no longer believe things can change.

You sure she's pretending?

It sucks, because I understand what you mean by that but how guys use it is very different.

Why Are Conservative Guys Lying About Their Political Stances?

Oh, I was bad with it as a teen.

I learned, very quickly, to block and delete bullies. And deplatform them. Deplatforming works.

I hope you’re right.

Already had a fascist tell me that I’m “part of the problem” and “no better than them.”

You Probably Talked To Someone Who Wants To Shoot Me Today

It’s Time We Talk About Internet Isolation Syndrome

Ignoring is trying to not react to their bullying, but still trying to be civil.

Why Appeasement Never Works With Abusers

I'm definitely looking into Italy.

Already starting. Like, this month.

A Vietnam War Veteran Taught Me How To Deal With Shamers

While We All Fought, The Biggest Brain Drain In US History Happened

The hard part is getting citizenship.

Jinkies! Scooby-Doo’s Velma Comes Back As South Asian

Canada is looking like my potential home right now.

It's true.

Everyone Needs A Loud American


Yeah. I feel like when I expatriate, this stuff will bother me less.

A Model Speaks: We Need More Thick Male Models

Fine Dining By The Sea: A Review of Avenue Le Club

Dick, you're making me blush!

Oh no, a NiceGuy (TM) appears!

I Am Getting Real Tired Of People Not Taking My Time Seriously

Facts. I'm actually prepping to leave America within the next couple of years.

You have a point. I never thought about it that way.

I've been in polygamous relationships before.

That moment when you hold the clap button down hoping to give more than 50....

I honestly don't know how black people choose to stay in America.

I would love to! Hit me with an invite!

So, Are We Going To Ignore Reddit’s Role In The Buffalo Mass Shooting?

...Uh, okay?

I love this comment.

So, I was in this position before.

Fascinating stuff.

I honestly don't know.

Trust me, I’ve seen this dynamic a lot.

When A Girl’s Mother Is A Misogynist

Corn Holds A Really Strange Mystery In Its Past

I've gotten clean off addictions that should have killed me.

3 Things That Are Never Your Fault

And it sucks that it's true, because I'm white and I often find myself cringing at other women of…

Why People Who Date For “Taken Status” Fail In Love

Oh, they'll learn.

“I Just Found Out He’s Really Pro-Life.”

These are such true facts.

Feel free to share. I have a feeling you know someone else who needs to hear it too.

It's why I block, report, and hide responses. I don't engage. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

So many white "allies" are just there because it's trendy or because they want to gatekeep others.

I'm sure that a lot of people in World War II thought things "would never happen" too.

3 Issues That Are Not Your Problem

I hope you're right when you say that they aren't the common ones.

Sounds like we have a very similar background.

What Do Betty Crocker And Barbie Have In Common?

Former trafficked individual here. She's not wrong. Please approach this with an open mind.

I'm really glad you're pointing this out.

Those people are going to try to get back in with you, especially as you blossom.

What Is Monophobia, And Why Do So Many People Have It?

And never, ever stop fighting!

It's time to change some scenery.

Definitely sounds like it's time to hang out with a new squad, my friend.

I have seen this firsthand with some guys I dated, too. I should write about that.

I should write about that blink.

It's funny because I have a hormone disorder that hormonal IUDs can treat long-term.

It's funny because I have a hormone disorder that hormonal IUDs can treat long-term.

I didn't create that term, but it's such an apt title

This Is The One Church Story That I’ll Always Remember

Exactly. I leave forgiveness to the gods. They ain't going to get it from me.

I have a fictional version of what happened in one point of my life. Waiting to release it.

A better question would be to go to your OBGYN ward and ask, "How many of these people took away…

I hate that we're both in this club.

Oh, if you read my articles about the area that I grew up in...Some

Calling out racism among people of my race isn't racism. It's honesty.

Not my proudest anecdote of growing up in a white town.

I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

With me they never even backpedaled. They'd just blink and stare, like they got struck in the head.

So, you, a man, are telling me what is true about women? Despite the evidence otherwise?

Vietnamese Coffee Is The Next Trend You Need To Try

Yep. *raises coffee cup to you* You, my friend, understand it.

I mean, I was a totally "edgy teen" type, so I feel like some of it may be trauma-induced or just a…

Yep. I don't have to live with that guilt.

Small people want to feel big.

This is definitely a thing that fucked me up for a while.

I touched a little upon this in Chasing Sirens, but this will be a full article on its own soon.

A lot of those very same people who hurt me, left me for dead, and abandoned me are trying to come…

It's like I wrote in that fable, the cow and the wolf.

Trust me, I felt that betrayal with a lot of white women I met who only like to pay lipservice so…

Always! I'm on Insta and Twitter for a reason!

Houston, We Have A White Woman Problem

If it's any consolation for you, these are the people who are going to suffer the most because of…

5 Self-Care Things You Should Try When You’re Stressed

Yep. And if people knew, they would be horrified.


Please, remind your sons that the girls around them have souls, feelings, and value beyond their…

It sucks to say this, but what happened to me is going to be a lot more common throughout the…

You're going to really like my newest article. Check it out.

All the more reason to talk about sex and its nuances.

The life of a household pet (or furniture, in my case) was not always bad.

I still have my slave collar.

Wait until they realize that 90 percent of their interactions aren't going to go to the police, too.

Grey rock them.

I wrote a whole new article on what women should expect.

I had my rights taken away and still refused to act as a parent.

I Was Trafficked. Here’s What Women Should Expect From Roe’s End.

Do you want a cookie?

Oh shit, we're neighbors? Come to Bergen County. It's a lot more sane here.

You and me think the same way. *raises coffee cup to you* It be like that.

I actually will be covering women on my next article, because it’s going to shed a LOT of light on…

Yep. Wait till you see my next article. I’m going to be calling out women too.

I mean, most of my female friends financially support their husbands.

How A Nightlife Concept Can Help Entrepreneurs Fight Roe’s Overturn

I don't think men realize that most women no longer feel safe around them.

10 Nostalgic Foods That Still Impress People Today

Right? It's something to take joy in. *high fives*

Q-Anon, Extremism, And Cults: 7 Tips To Deradicalize Your Loved One

Girl, I had the same problem for a while.

Yep. Women are second class citizens.

I intend on offering my daughter a "vacation abroad" when she turns 18 so that she can get…

Oh, I get this way about doctors.

It's been happening for ages.

Men couldn't do it without the help of women.

I mean, it was there for a while.

He sure sounds respectful, calling women entitled brats.

Now That Roe v. Wade Is Going Away, Here’s What Women Can Do

I wouldn’t exactly call Heard sane.

7 Signs Someone Has Main Character Syndrome

Sounds like this is a real topic.

You sound like you're emotionally mature and capable of being a good partner.

Don't argue with the manosphere.

One of the guys who had a conversation similar to the intro of this apologized for his behavior now…

Honestly, this is a perfect example of Social Darwinism.

Paul Dolan wrote a whole book on it, “Happy Ever After.” I appreciate this note, though.

It’s amazing to see guys who would have failed in patriarchy flourish too.

Either you're not understanding what I'm saying, or you're really stretching to explain why it's…

As long as you're not doing the placeholder or fling thing, you're probably doing better than most.

Trust me, we all know when a guy is dating a girl like a placeholder or a fling.

Arty, if more men were like you, you'd see women like me begging for a ring like Gollum.

If this is a dig because women need men to multiply, you might want to rethink the point of this…

I think I should write about the rise of cheating culture.

When Guys Panic About Being Single

Facts. It's sad that those are issues I've seen, but it's still something that I felt needed to be…

I appreciate this music.

Yep. And don't get me started on this weird, icky way that people are talking about protecting kids.

They know.

*raises a champagne glass filled with energy drink to you*

No attacking other commenters, and if you think "young, liberal, and white" women are so crazy, I'm…

I Understand Why Q-Anon Is Hard To Quit

I've been saying it for a minute, but women are quietly walking away from men as a whole.

Right? It's like, "Ooh yay, I won 'Spot the Rapist!'"

I've said this before, and I will say it again: moms are second, maybe third class citizens in…

I already had to block a guy going, "Women don't take accountability."

If a man can’t compete with a woman being alone, then she’s going to be happier alone.

No, the only thing a man should do is to stop putting his value on a paycheck and realize there are…

It's up there with bronies, for sure. And I say this as an MLP fan.

Neither of my parents showed up for anything major in my eyes unless they had to.

These are facts. That and parentification of the wife. No one wants to marry their son!

Like, they are doing everything possible to frogwalk us back into the 50s, but it is not working…

You're a hero for investigating these guys.

Women Don’t Need Men, And It’s Breaking The Manosphere.

I think Amber Heard lost everything too.

Right? It's wild!

I am blushing so hard right now…

Yo, this is so true.

Why Cleaning Out My Closet Was A Major Personal Development Project

"Women always go for Chad."

Yep. They eat it up.

It does. Because it’s going to polarize men who want to show women as constantly siding with the…

Did you read the part where he pumped Doge, kicked the founder of Tesla out of his own company, and…

Music Scenes Have Their Own Food Traditions, Too

You do have a point.

It's true.

He’s Not Stupid, He’s Ignoring Your Boundaries And Doesn’t Care

I'm not arguing law.

I finna just leave this here:

Honestly, the Playboy Penthouse show is amazing for this too.

My husband took me to a subway shop on his dime as his first date.

She Earns More Than You. Can You Still Be Happy With Her?

I don't really know much about Depp's past, so I'm going based on the biggest issues I've seen.

You're really not.

I’m Wondering When Tech Bros Will Realize Elon Musk Is Grifting Them

You're really missing the point of this.

Look, you seem to have already made up your mind.

Guilty Pleasure Recipe: Key Lime Pie

Most women I know aren't asking for much out of men.

The thing is, if women start to back away from men en masse as an act of preservation, it's time to…

Can confirm, I have been that person. It's not always black and white.

It’s true.

It's not always that easy.

Same girl.

What No One Is Saying About The Johnny Depp/Amber Heard Trial

Tim, I needed this.

It ain't too late, Brett. You can be a swan at any age.

If they do, I couldn’t blame them.

Me too. And it’s so scary. I want men to wake up.

I gotta check that out. That sounds perfect.

Sex without consent is literally rape.

Tell him, from a porn journalist and a music groupie, that the guy who was the most sexually…

An Episode Of American Dad Led Me To Buy The Playboy Cookbook

8 Simple Social Life Hacks For Socially Awkward People

I do love me my Turkish food.

7 Major Predictors Of A Sexless Relationship

I mean, some men menstruate. They were just AFAB.

Please tell me you asked him to leave your apartment immediately.

The Ultimate Breakup Checklist For The Dumped (Plus Hacks To Get Over A Breakup!)

I'm in Bergen county.

I want to experience more Chinese culture. I just tried flat noodles and am like, woah.

I definitely think that walking away from everyone that doesn't serve you will serve you well.

I would never have wanted to be in his shoes.

If you are here to learn about women, then don't turn it into "but what about men?"

Can We Talk About Ugly Duckling Syndrome?

I have, but I used to work with people from Wall Street who got their stripes in the 80s.

It's weird.

5 International Fast Food Chains Coming To America

Facts. Unfortunately, it's getting to a point where it's cheaper and more reliable to get…

I consider myself agender.

The way I figure it, if women get to the point that we no longer tolerate men in any capacity and…

I'm debating starting a company that works with doctors abroad to help American women get…

Wait until they start experiencing the consequences of their actions in the form of crippling…

Unfortunately, I've started to implement a strict policy when it comes to arguing against misogyny…

Slaves/worker bees/indentured servants.

When I first started hearing about it, it was usually the soccer moms who screech at the…

The more I look into him, the more I think Elon Musk wants to turn us all into serfs.

I'm not the writer for you if that's how you see things.

It shocks me, what men are able to get away with.

Absolutely, you should. I'm all for this, actually.

Ironically, you realize you sound like a stereotypical Karen right now, right?

5 Things Men Will Never Experience (But Women Regularly Do)

I actually went into length about what I *don't* like about FDS.

Not on this scale, this is not normal.

Let's not do whataboutism here.

Usually, I call her out publicly and warn others of what she does.

Yep, I already had that correction in the comments.

Can't blame you there, but my claws are in need of upkeep.

Eep, my smoke shop dude may have been mistaken. Fixing.

Let’s Talk About Sex, With A Real Sex Educator!

I was SO ready to hate this, but goddamnit man, you made me love this. Bravo!

This is eye-opening. I might need to talk about this.

You know, it was fairly recently I heard this motto.

Why I’ve Decided To Stop Arguing With Misogynists

Question, if it's mutual, is it still roaching?

GOP women allow this.

Why Does Gen Z Love Vintage Jazz And Oldies?

I honestly was very nervous about writing this because I was scared of being accused of lying or…

So you're saying that my experience should be minimized and brushed under the rug?

Did this article hurt your feelings?

It's a disease, I swear.

Can you show proof of this opposition or death threat?

Actually, I have been.

The thing is, too many men *don’t* really care about women.

The Neuroses Of Ivy League High Schoolers


Eastern European here. My path was as follows:

I actually am writing about my experience on the other side of the coin: being raised in a Tiger…

*turns into a Pawn Stars guy*

Teachers hold a very special place in my heart.

I don't think I want that life. You're right.

It might be the way we both hear about Karens.

And modern guys can't handle getting old school privileges without having old school…

I have been there, with change. I should do an article about this, too.

I don't think he knows what that is.

Outcast weirdo clocking in: Have you considered being the first of your kind?

I grew up in an all-white neighborhood. It's a core of white suburban culture.

Dear Women: Men Aren’t Going To Save You

Men can handle their own stuff. Period. Stop expecting women to handle YOUR gender's problems.

I should do something about why I'd hire a mom any day of the week.

The way we treat moms in this country is so terrible, I actively try to dissuade women from having…

Oh I refused to pay. I'm not paying people who treated me like a potted plant.

‘The Ultimatum’ Is The Biggest Cringe Binge I’ve Ever Seen

If I ever get rich, I'll make a free course on University of the People.

This was my experience.

I needed to be rescued.

It's a staple. The food was never amazing, but it was the nostalgia that mattered.

Old as dirt with good taste

Believe It Or Not, I Actually Understand Why Karens Exist

Eep. My city person-ness is showing! Sorry!

If a bunch of men wanted to fund a DV shelter for men, there would be funding.

It was pretty sad.

I Watched Someone Destroy Her Career And Lives In Under A Week

I definitely see a gentler way of explaining a side to a coin I often couldn't quite pinpoint.

“Not your fault, but your responsibility.”

Feel free to share in the wisdom. I'm glad I could help!


I Ran Into Jay From Food Network’s Spring Baking Champion, And Tried Her Cooking

I can attest, I had this happen to me. Am expanding it with hopes.

I hope so!

This Easy Phrase Sums Up Why Most People Fail At Life

That's me! Especially with food.

I read this and I know so many "music industry orphans" just like you.

This Is The One Wall Street Lesson I Think Everyone Needs To Master

I got, "Why can't you get a job that pays?"

As long as you channel your inner DILF within, I believe you can be a BBQ dad.

That's a very long way of saying #notallmen, but ok.

Random Opinion: We Need More BBQ Dads

Sounds like the divorce was good for both of you.

I Have A Pile Of Resurrected Bananas On My Kitchen Table

I'm a huge fan of food history, especially midcentury stuff.

Thank you for the update. I updated it with an explanation of what happened.

She's claiming it's "not Rollo's fault" while she got slammed into a wall by him. I....*sigh*

I remember being homeless and having people tell me "Get a job."

"Spare some change?"

People told me I was "unreasonable" and "crazy" for throwing a shitfit with doctors until I got…

You've never met me, but OK.

If there is no G-spot, then why do I get sexual pleasure from penetration that's neither my clit or…

If you're looking for guys who are average-sized, check out Andy Stone.

I love that!

I love that!

A lot of men are revealing a lot about themselves in these comments.

I Am Really Tired Of Being Asked, “What About Men?”

Coming up within a couple of minutes!

I usually hear of a blank blink, denial, then the hysterics. Job well done on leaving!

It's so bad she sent her kids to her parents' house. Rollo apparently liquidated all her money.

Currently writing something on a similar subject. I just...ugh.

Currently writing something on a similar subject. I just...ugh.

Rollo scares the shit out of me. More details came out and I'm scared he might kill Anya or DJ.

You might want to read this.

FDS has so much right, but so much wrong.

Birthmom here.

That’s not what this is about, and that’s a pretty shallow way of looking at things.

How’d he react?

I mean, I could.

With the deep throat? A lot of numbing spray and not being able to breathe.

I hate this powerlessness I feel right now.

This confirmed what I've always felt happened. Carlyn, you are amazing at your craft.

You've got it!

That Sinking Feeling When You Know Your Friend Is Dating An Abuser

When Your Favorite Content Creators Suddenly Fade Away

8 Classic Recipes Developed By Food Companies

It depends on the dad really, and if the dad fights for custody.

Exactly. Marriage should be an exception, not the status quo.

This is exactly the sentiment I’ve seen in a lot of my rapper friends.

The hate I get on my articles about the sad state of men is all I need to know that if my husband…

Ah, Herndon area? Fairfax? I'm well acquainted with that region.

It's a culture of desperation.

Jersey Shore area, but yep.

If it's Monmouth County, we may have been neighbors.

Right? Like I'm seeing why their wives probably stopped doing anything.

I am an ex sex worker, and let me tell you, that's deeply offensive to me.

Can't get old, either.

I definitely think this is a moment where a divorce was a godsend for everyone involved.

This is entirely too relatable to me.

This made me so uncomfortable on so many levels.

They can think all they want, but 9 times out of 10, lowering prices never, ever benefits the…

On a similar note, I keep hearing this about Idaho.

This line made me want to start cheering your name. I love this!

Believe it or not, it’s usually something women pick up on.

6 Dating Tips Men Can Learn From Male Escorts

Yeah, I actually heard about that.


I've yet to see "male bashers" invade men's spaces to verbally abuse them or silence them.

Too many men neither know nor care how hard it is to find a good lay as a woman.

Unfortunately, I grew up with people like that around me. It's quite prolific, even in NJ.

Kindred spirit!

Charlie, please do not speak with this person.

Do you *really* need the #notallmen and #notallwomen talk? C’mon now, you’re better than that.

Elven Food Is The Most Beautiful Culinary Trend I’ve Ever Seen

You legit look better at 40 than a lot of women look at 30.

Annette, I know you can't see me but I'm raising my tea cup to you. I'll drink to that!

My cousin is fighting in Ukraine right now.

Honestly, this is something you could probably sue for. That is pretty damn cultural in my opinion.

I'm very thankful my time in nightlife in NYC was filled with people of all walks of life.

Kindred spirit <3

This April is rough on me.

Martha, I commend you on being a better person than me.

I definitely hope you get that divorce, Rick. Sounds very needed.

A friend of mine moved there with his wife, apparently have a coffee farm.

If you've actually taught people who have intermittent explosive disorder, psychopathy, or…

Yep. And too many damn guys give this blank stare when you tell them that.

RIP Groupie Culture: The End Of A Music Scene Status Quo

A Porn Pro Speaks: What Guys Should Know About Having A Small Dick

I've had people say, "I know you're 25 but you actually want a kid. You just don't know it yet."

I feel like a lot of people pressure people to have kids as a way of dragging them down.

Personally, I'm working on leaving America within the next 10 years.

Yeah, mine doesn't have remorse.

Porn worker here.

I mean, if she says that she's having a hard time and wants to talk, Tony should have listened.

Sasha, do everyone (especially you) a favor and get angry next time.

You know, it's funny.

Too many men are too hateful to female presenting people online.

Can you take me and my husband with you?

It does not run both ways.

Same. At this point, I assume that anyone who votes GOP is either seriously brainwashed…

I love Dworkin. She's my spiritual homegirl for life.

Tennessee’s Child Marriage Bill Should Be A #MaskOff Moment For You

Same girl, same. ❤

You say that, but here’s the thing.

It just dawned on me that you're right.

Bingo. If you have genuine guilt, stop doing what you did and work to be better. Period.

I saw one of my reader's comments got deleted, possibly by him.

Yaas! Hit me up on Twitter!

The idea that women only want the top 20 percent is a fallacy.

These two things are not the same.

I never knew this.

Fascinating. This might explain why my nails-on-a-chalkboard accent got worse after I got laid off.

I wrote about this at length, but these two things are not the same.

Let’s Talk About Walkaway Wife Syndrome

Can...can we be friends? You sound like the type of friend I always dreamed of having.

I've seen this happen too many times. It's so cruel. I am so deeply sorry for your loss.

Here's the problem...I don't think it's 10 percent anymore.

In America, marriage gives you over 1100 different legal protections and benefits.

I know I've been the bad guy to certain people, especially when I had unchecked mental illness and…

When People Who Hurt You Try To Reconnect

I genuinely hope you get help, because there is a lot to unpack here.

I need to do a thing on this.

I was kinda awestruck when I heard former slaves talk.

I Watched Eyewitnesses Discuss Lincoln’s Assassination. Here’s What Stood Out To Me.

No, the top 20 percent of men don’t get all the women.

Let’s Make Anai’s Yakisoba!

Wanda, there are so many parallels between your life and mine at times.

“What, You Think You’re Better Than Me?”

I am the girl anachronism!

Ain’t that the truth…

Relationships are not transactional.

There is nowhere NEAR the hate that women receive.


You know how it is.

You said it, Satish. <3

Makes me short of breath easily, but my brain isn't too badly pickled.

Maybe pheromones.

Literally had to put an edit warning men not to bitch about this article after one was like "Medium…

My friend, I would LOVE to pick your brain. Could you DM me?

Name checks out.

Alt guys seem to be more okay with it.

I can think of at least three women who would have probably had a catfight over you.

Reading On Reddit Made Me Realize How Much Men Hate Women

Unpopular Opinion: It’s Good To Tell Men They’re Bad In Bed

Oh dude, I am going to have to give my kid the talk.

Then they turn around and wonder why women don't love them. To be loved, you have to be lovable.

You’re not alone.

How Spellcasting Taught Me About Maintaining Boundaries

Druggy Drinks: The World Beyond Booze

Jo, Iv'e already been wanting to move to Australia for a minute.

There's nothing wrong with expecting a partner to stand up for you.

That lottery ticket story gave me chills. It’s terrifying.

I gotta write about this.

I’ve been told by at least one psych that I’m developmentally delayed and most people who are on…

I...want...a....coin operated boy.

You have a natural talent for writing! Keep it up!

I don’t think so, considering that cops were called.

Very telling.

9 Signs That Someone Is Low-Key Desperate

Stick around in the comments of my articles, and you'll hear a lot of men saying they feel like…

I've been told I have a chemical smell with a strong hint of skunk when I sweat.

I feel like you may have misread the panelist there.

I've been told I emit a chemical smell before. Not sure what to make of that.

Red meat, too? Oh my god...I must REEK.

It’s weird, because I could have written this on the other side of things.

Oof. Yeah, no, we don’t have a male bashing culture.

Yep. I’ve seen it happen in real life.

The Grifting Ways Of The Alpha Male Influencer

"There are plenty of examples of this in society.

Not gonna lie, I want to try that now.

I knew several porn stars who echoed Avicii's sentiments ---including the using to keep performing.

I believe in you.

It’s all about consistency and showing your portfolio to the right people.

I learned more from the streets of Newark and running around NYC than I did in school.

Expensive Taste: I Ate Gold Leaf On A Cake And Learned A Life Lesson

Reality Check: If You Want To Make A Living As A Blogger, Here’s My $0.02

The problem with Chris Rock and people like him is that they’re masters at turning heckling around…

It was also a front hand slap. More control than what I would have had.

Oh, I believe it. Jada, like most other Hollywood wives, put up with a LOT of shit.

Chris has a history of making really mean comments about WOC in particular.


What A Porn Professional Can Teach You About Sexless Marriages

Agree to disagree.

Bingo. The more I read about him, the more I realized he REALLY likes to diss women, especially WOC.

Rock has a history of doing this to Jada apparently.

Jada is super brave for showing her buzz cut.

Unpopular Opinion: Will Smith’s Getting A Lot Of Unnecessary Hate

Me too. I think about her quite often.

I often wonder what happened to her.

Franchising Is The Most Terrible Type Of Cheating

I Follow A Crackhead’s Advice Every Day (And You Should, Too!)

EatingWell Quietly Ended Its Print Magazine

Ooooh these are good. Got me thinking too!

I definitely should talk about the male influencers cashing in on desperation.

I've seen this from girls I know. It's usually girls who have dated NiceGuys (TM) before.

You're not. I should do something about that and write about the why.

A lot of people (myself included) buy it for the convenience.

You're not understanding what I'm saying.

I once was spanging out in New York City with a girl who seemed really nice.

Husband is your height, thereabout. Can confirm that I like picking him up and snuggling him.

Question, have you ever had someone steal from you?

I definitely was bamboozled.

A lot of psychopaths are superficially charming, remember that.

“Where Have All The Good Men Gone?”

Volume matters. Also, I am going to point this out, she could do ten times better here

Men know what they're doing is wrong. They don't care. It's insecurity and rage.

I really wish our government reflected the will of the people.

That's not what I intended with this article at all. I'm sorry if it came across that way.

I mean, there’s me.

I have serious mental illness.

I’m not Republican, quite the opposite.

It's getting to the point where men are guilty until proven innocent. It's scaring me.

The Men Who Collect And Consume Women

Remember When A Bunch Of 80s Rock Stars Made A Cookbook?

8 Things You Need To Know When You’re Getting Divorced (That Few Will Tell You)

The 7 Most Common Causes Of Longterm Poverty I’ve Witnessed

Jambalaya? I thought that was classic Louisiana?

You might be right.

They are doing this by design, trust me. I wouldn't put it past my former employers.

How To Find A Purpose In Life (When Love Isn’t A Given)

Masculinity is about being yourself, being brave, having compassion and inner strength.

It always struck me like it hits them differently.

Nothing upsets a fragile white man like a white man who's winning in life.

What always amazes me is that these same mediocre white guys blame women for not dating them.

We Need To Talk About ‘Rap Video Syndrome’

This is one of those moments where I really, really wish I could go through the computer screen to…

I feel like Rollo is going to stay Rollo, but it's good to know there are going to be less guys…

The Married “Straight” Men Who Have Sex With Men

So true, and it’s one of those things that make people deeply upset.

Death by Broken Heart is a legit thing. Happened to my grandfather in Bucharest.

Lizzo is my crush. ❤

Nothing is manhating about noticing a bunch of guys butthurt about women saying they should pay for…

I really feel like we need to start telling guys, in front of other people, how outrageously…

And The Leading Trigger For Male Suicide Is…

7 Common Behaviors Toxic Men Have (And Why You Should Avoid ‘Em)

Literally the guy below your comment proves this. It’s insane how upset men are getting over this.

This article is not about men. It’s about women.

Alvin is both one of the most fascinating people I’ve met as well as one of the smartest.

I, Bimbo: Why I’m Nonbinary But Love Bimboification

“Men worry that women will laugh at them, women worry men will kill them.”

I want to hear all about it. It looked so magical!

It is like that.

‘Bad Vegan’ Is A Textbook Of Grifting Behavior (And You Should Watch It!)

Oh, I love that idea. You know, I usually light scented candles when I read for that reason?

It's a start! Boundaries in action!

Oh, I love Ray Dalio. Genius dude!

7 Key Signs And Reasons Why You’re Her “Mr. Right Now”

Believe me when I say that I want to normalize singleness. Relationship should be the exception.

Even If You’re Christian, Men’s Purity Obsession Should Be A Red Flag

I Went To Florida And Ate Florida Things!

Absolute facts.

I beg to differ, but that’s just my opinion.

So, I’m Pretty Sure A Budding Incel Got Caught In A Predator Sting…

I wanna knowwwww *cries*

5 More Defunct Restaurants I Wish I Could Have Eaten At

Quitting Is For Winners: 5 Times It’s Okay To Quit

This is a sea lion attempt.

This article seems to upset you a lot.

I bash toxic masculinity, as all people should.

I'll make sure to note that to the guys who keep hitting her up.

Thank you for proving my points!

Here’s Why A Victorian Trend Could Help People With Mental Illness…

When Men’s Online Behavior Becomes A Turn-Off For Women

Hello Fresh Is Being Dragged On Reddit

It's true. Too many men can't stand accountability.

Ugly Truth: Women Need To Be More Discriminatory Than Men

There is something very, very deeply wrong with my generation and the ones after.

I mean, there is a fair amount of truth to that, especially in the past.

Yep. Tastes like ass but for some reason, people still drink it. It's a New Yorker thing.

Yeah, see, that's the point where admins should say, "If tapping you on the shoulder makes you feel…

Women have to be more discriminatory. They’re more likely to be raped, abused, and killed.

You know that you misquoted the study, right?

Thank you.

I've seen way more people who live in a traphouse earn their liability status than wealthy people…

Yo, I love DH!

5 Important Reasons Why Rich People Avoid You

How My Love Affair With Meal Kits Died

Unpopular Opinion: Teachers Should Have The Right To Defend Themselves Against Students


8 Warning Signs Your Friend Is A Sexual Predator

It always strikes me when I read stuff like this, because so many of my friends witness the same in…

“Desirability Ceiling” Is A Term That Explains How Great People Stay Single

The one and only!

I only recently learned what a holler is. I'm low key enamored by Appalachian culture.

Why I’m Okay With Being Told My Boundaries Are Crazy

I financially support my husband, but it sounds like this hit you in the masculinity.

Because they don't respect women who pay for them. Ask me how I know. (EXPERIENCE!)

You're welcome!

If you can't afford a taco truck, your priorities are fucked if you're trying to date.

Hit you in the masculinity, didn't it? Why so mad?

Yep. I have an allergy issue.

Sounds like you don't have anything to offer.

If you don't get one fast, you'll get eaten alive as a clubkid.

3 Things Euphoria Got Right About Addiction (And 2 They Got Wrong)

My Most Recent Birthday Planning Was A Reality Check For Me

What Does Feminist Porn Look Like?

Yep, that’s my man! He’s the best!

If only the world had more men like you, Satish!

They can either choose to stay single and nurture themselves, or they can choose to get…

So if it's so bad for men, am I to assume that you're going to stay single too?

Hit you right in the masculinity, didn't it?

It seems like this really hurts your masculinity, especially when I talk finances.

Honestly, if a woman with her own helicopter ain't enough for you, well...Okay,

"I can't afford to remarry."

Let’s Talk About The Real Reasons Men Are Leaving The Dating Scene…

They say they're expensive because divorce is worth every penny.

Men are twice as likely to remarry post-divorce. Unfortunately, that's pretty damning.

I was an in-house writer for Vocal.

Let’s Talk About Why Female Divorcees Don’t Remarry

LOVE Crumpets!

It's almost like a Wish product. I asked for Bonsai, got lawn cigar.

I feel this so strong.

I Can’t Make Popin’ Cookin If It Saved My Life

Yep. It goes both ways and it's like...Every

How My Club Promoter Ex Taught Me To Shut Down Boundary Pushers


I watched this happen with my friend.

Consider this your message from the universe.

The lack of creativity. The lack of effort.

Did you see the part about how many free things there are out there?

I absolutely agree.

If you can't put effort into coming up with something free or just are going to pathetically whine…

Did you not read the taco truck or free date ideas?

“My Ex Got Married Months After We Broke Up!”

If you like Earl Grey, you’ll LOVE Milk Tea.

Yep, says we’d not be compatible.

Sounds like you and I would not be an item.

Did you miss the part about taco trucks?

You can actually order them online at Yami. So. Friggin. GOOD!

Tasteful Toast X Yami: Let’s Talk About Japan’s Wild KitKat Industry

Yo, don't you say that tech skills ain't attractive.

Have you considered a career change?

Cat cafes are life for me. Love the fuzzes!

Yep. Bad as this may sound, when I see people shame others, I tend to clap back and ask them, "Are…

Yep. Very sure. He tried to ask a girl out once and fainted.

It definitely took a toll on him.

Believe it or not, I can understand this vibe.

I'm already married. I'm just tired of hearing my female friends complain about it.

Yep. I call people who are passionless "functionally dead" for a reason.

Incidentally, so do I. It's good to know it goes both ways, right?

The Unspoken Reason Why Nice, Shy Guys Have Trouble Getting Laid

Appreciate the advice, but I think that's for the wrong article.

Let’s Talk About That Time I Almost Ended Up In A Sex Cult

I suggest you try to find someone who doesn't value themselves.

I should probably do a dating advice article for people who are on the spectrum. It might help.

I see "dating profile" in your reply.

Yep. When I tell people I need to see people who are willing to invest in me, and they agree on…

If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it.

This is a take that I can seriously respect.

See, this is where we differ.

Sounds like you need to move on.

You. I like you.

After having asked and not even getting a phone call from my local shelter, I said enough was…

I've never heard of 42 Below. I'd say I'd try it, but I'm 5 months sober. Sounds neat!

My heart goes out to your friend.

So far, I've burst into tears about 50 times in the past 2 days.

Alternatives To Russian Vodka You Should Try Out

Facts! I knew this one Indian kid at raves.

Very true.

Why Do People Shame Others For Having Standards?

Well, I'm married.

I mean, I'm married and I financially support my husband, so that accusation of me being a…

I'm married.

Low investment is fine. Low effort is not.

Bingo. It's just a very cheap, low-effort date.

My issue is that 80 percent of the time, girls I know who get approached with this have a guy who's…

Yep. That’s where I am at.

I am definitely seeing where that goes.

That's the issue I have with it.

That’s a side I didn’t think about. It might just be my experience.

Most men I've met who claim to be high value are stunned when I tell them that I want nothing to do…

Don't know...I gotta check.

Men Need To STFU With Walk Dates And Coffee Dates

Homie, I read that phrase out loud and then started shouting it.

7 Victorian Dating Tips That Still Work Today

How To Predict Who Will Be Successful In Life

Your mom is who I aspire to be for my daughter.

Can confirm. Am taller than my husband. He's my smush.

Why Do So Many Men Sabotage Their Love Lives?

The way I figure it, I still don't belong in the body I want to have.

9 Things You Didn’t Realize Were American Cuisine

Oof, I felt this.

We got word that Brig was able to negotiate down what he was originally charged for, so we're…

I wrote several articles on this topic too.

Oh, I made sure Alicia got a piece of my mind. We banned her from music events too.

7 Habits That Keep People Broke AF

Can confirm, married a musician. Y'all are hot because y'all play good music.

No, Your Abuser Doesn’t Love You

Forgotten Food Mascots: Elsie The Cow

There needs to be a waiver that says, "Parents will accept the grade their teacher gives their…

Real Question: Why Are Teachers Still Willing To Work In Our Schools?

I am Sylvia too. I hate what they do to us.

It's true.

It's so true. It "primes" a victim for re-abuse.

It’s so catchy.

I agree. I had a therapist say I was demonically possessed — no joke.

It's amazing how quickly they became rare in NYC. The Hudson was a major oyster hotspot.

It's turtles all the way down...

The Emotional Neglect Epidemic Facing Men Across The Country

What Did Dining At A New York Restaurant Feel Like In 1870?


Apparently it was a midwest thing.

Right? It was a game-changer for me.

I mean, I resemble that comment but I’ve had okay reviews…minus the guys who cry after sex.

The best was finding out our friend climbed out of a music festival trash can like Oscar the Grouch…

5 Subtle Signs She Wants To Have Sex With You

Write For The Tasteful Toast!

You know how I feel. I'll always support you, tho!

Creators, Use Your Block Button.

Right? I look back and I'm like, "Wow...I was surrounded by insecure people."

You know, I never read the entirety of Song of Solomon.

I still remember the fucktopus at work! Much love chica!

6 Common Habits Of Sexually Insecure People

It’s definitely depression, and the “syndrome” is one particular form that is gripping guys.

You might be right, but I wouldn’t know. I’m in NJ, haha.

Don’t forget Wharton. Wharton’s the worst.

I'm in my early thirties. It's rough.

The #Kimotherphone Scandal Shows Kanye To Be A Dangerous Narcissist

Emotional Safety Is The Term Everyone Needs To Know But Doesn’t

It’s terrifying out there.

Aw, thanks! Did you check out the new food magazine I launched?

I forgot that Wilde said that. It definitely hits bigger this time around.

I definitely feel like this is a phase most women go through at least once in their lives.

Mr. Delicious: The Fast Food Mascot Who Had A Mid-Life Crisis

“I’m Not Like Other Girls” Is A Rally Cry For Toxic Women

Having been trafficked, I can tell you that breaking is very much alive and well.

I am so making an article devoted to him.

I personally never understood this.

These are facts that are true regardless of race, tbh.

5 Bygone Restaurant Chains That I Really Wish I Could Have Visited

Wow...Being slut-shamed when I'm talking about an awkward dynamic that's crashed parties.

McKamey was outed by his wife as a pedophile and a sadist.

I’m Jessie’s Girl, And It Kind Of Sucks.

You definitely understand the style I grew up in, then. Always happy to see a fellow "survivor!"

Let’s do it!

Thank you for this! It really means a lot on some days. Always feel free to hit me up!

A lot of men like this are going to drop like flies because they can't handle life after mommy and…

I definitely have learned that the hard way. I'm just very awkward at conversation.

The Poophole Loophole And Soaking: Two Very Real, Very Fundie Sex Acts

I don't want to be this guy, but have you considered telling your ex he's not as smart as he thinks…

Oh, I know they hate women, but anything that involves them actually staying away from them is a…

For everyone’s sake, I hope you’re right.

Confession: I Have A Hard Time Bonding With People

You're going to love The Tasteful Toast!

Let’s Talk About How I Broke Through My Worst Writer’s Block…

The Bizarre Mystery Of Mock Turtle Soup

4 Simple Science-Backed Ways To Gain Confidence

That was not the way this went entirely, but it's okay.

No, feminism doesn't lead to emasculation.

3 Defunct Restaurant Chains That Changed How You Eat Today

You'll like my most recent article, then!

The Problem That Almost All Long-Term Single Guys Face

Yeah, QXTs was a shitshow.

Thank you for proving my point.

Oh, I’m going to be talking about the double bind guys are in.

How To Torture A Narcissist

You, my friend, understand the art. It's a matter of courtesy.

Fellow non-binary here. It's an honor to have inspired someone as talented as you. <3

That's fine.

“Fancy Like Applebee’s” Is Not A Way To Go Through Life, Son.

People don’t realize how rare a good marriage can be until they start dating.

I absolutely agree.

You might like the one I wrote about bad women ruining good men.

The thing is, calling me names and ridiculing me is an attempt to disparage me into silence.

Why are you reading my stuff if you hate it so much?

Have you seen the comments on the "Permanently Single" piece calling me a man-hater for pointing…

Feminism means equal rights for ALL genders.

See, I can't help but notice how triggered guys are from this article.

No, you are trying to ignore the fact that consuming women and liking what women do for you does…

Sounds like you really hate paying for dates. Have you considered not dating?

Actually, I am all for MGTOW.

Honestly, I can cosign this. It's better to be alone than with the wrong person.

Most Men Can’t Handle What Women Have To Say About Them

Bro, you were sexually assaulted.

This one was close to that... May write another.

If you like women, you want them to be free and happy.

If you like women, you want them to be free and happy.

If you like women, you want them to be free and happy.

Here's the thing.

You know, if you hate my writing and what to say, you don't have to read it.

If you don't like the fact that many women will insist on having the guy foot a bill, you don't…

Well, this way us bad women don't hurt men.

Look at the other comments. I get them a LOT.

Parents, You Need To Prepare Your Kids To Be Single For Life

No, if you don't want to have women get equal rights and if you think it hurts men to give women…

So having common courtesy and actually showing that you will put in effort on a date is…

Thank you for proving my point.

Oh, it was savage.

Yup. I am not kidding when I say that I worked for a bunch of malignant narcissists.

In this workplace, it meant that you weren't begging and pleading for attention from the…

Spoken like a truly enlightened dude.

I Unwittingly Believed Relationships Were Transactional Until This Point

Those of us who do fight often end up burned out.

That's because women don't have to announce it and end up on Men's Right's forums to tell men that…

If I Had Listened To HR Reps, I’d Wouldn’t Be A Full-Time Writer Now.

Giving a person a chance is not a sin.

Not sure that's how we SHOULD count success.

The standards society sets for women are sky high, and we're basically told that if we don't do X…

I always tell my homeboys, wrap it up or get the snip.

Personal accomplishments. Joy. Emotional stability.

It is not women’s fault if men aren’t doing well.

Thank you for proving my point!

Trust me, I know. My mom is from Eastern Europe and was in a very high rank in society back there.

Daaaaaayum.... Can we be friends?

In the circler I escaped from, women were drugged with stuff that made them very agreeable and open…

In my case, there was one phrase that caused me decades of harm: "We can give you the friends, the…

Coming from you, that's a massive compliment. Thank you!

Though I write a lot about singledom and woman-haters and man-haters, I agree wholeheartedly.

Want A Cheap (But Excellent) Meal? Get A Fondue Pot And Use This Recipe

Ugly Truth: A Decent Percentage Of Men Can’t Handle A Relationship

I'd say Post Partum Psychosis, but it's a toddler...

This means a lot.

Wish I knew.

I'm married, but yeah.

When I was a hard drug user, i'd use ketamine.

Lolwut? Okay dude.

You realize that you sound horrible, right?

Bro, you should see the kind of psychotic comments I have to hide on my articles.

YO, I thought my friends were an exception to that rule.

Feel free to follow the Tasteful Toast! It's my new publication centered around food.

Oh wow. I don’t have a kid to parent, but have you considered getting help?

It's getting so common, it's bad...

You might like this article I wrote about toxic women…

Salvador Dali Wrote A Cookbook, And It’s Trippy AF

I definitely wish I had better experiences with gyns.

Women Finally Got The Right To Say Yes To Sex, But Still Struggle To Say No

Get your woman-hating out of here.

Oh, I could tell a story similar.

Let’s Talk About Porn, Attempted Murder, And The Racism We Need To Quash

Actually, studies show the pay gap is alive and well.

I was trafficked when I was still a teenager, though I was older teens.

7 Subtle Signs That Someone Is Very Lonely

Honestly, if this happened to me, I would have made sure that his name was not on the birth…

5 Absolutely Fucked Up Ways Bad Women Ruin Good Men

No, you are <3

I definitely see that among people in my circles too.

I remember my dad telling me his roommate during the 70s or 80s was a goth guy who wore a top hat…

You're going to love my upcoming article about men who can't handle relationships.

Facts. The wrong friends can drag you down so fast, your head'll spin.

YEP! What always shocks me is how they end up looking like hit puppies when you call them out on it…

I mean, at the end of the day, they end up being the ones missing out.

I assure you that there is a group of weird people out there like me who would love a new cyber…

7 Phrases That Keep Men Permanently Single

Ask Kanye. He seemed to be doing well.

At Vocal, I was surrounded by these fuckers.

That might be why I was promptly fired in both places after I washed my hands of them.

Right? One of my ex porn star friends is now a baker and OMG she cooks and still looks incredible.

Yep. Every profession has its own hangups.

One of these days, I have to tell the stories I heard about Jeremy and the full story of that night…

I mean, maybe you’re right?

The Glory Of Dave: The Man Who Changed A Bunch Of Outcasts’ Lives

“So, What’s It Like Dating A Porn Star, Ossiana?”

Sounds like you're ignoring the points I'm making.

Re-read your first thing.

In a weird way, that's actually a healthy way to look at things.

You literally just called me condescending and narcissitic.

That's the problem.

But men ARE being socialized differently.

So, you think that women want men who call women narcissistic? Projecting much?

This is one of the deepest looks at loneliness I've seen in a minute.

Definitely am curious about that article now. But FWIW, I love your take on it!

It's hard to explain to others unless you've lived it.

Whether most people realize it or not, drugs have a place in our society.

To be fair, you seem a lot more even-keeled than the two drunk biddies in the garden that day haha.

For me, my addiction was a result of being homeless and having nowhere to go except for scenes that…

Ain’t this the truth.

This is a very intelligent take on it, but I don't think I mentioned anything about flowers here.

Reminds me of my mom's ex friend.

A large portion of mental illness is due to patriarchy. Girl, you are spitting facts right now.

This is an amazing poem and I loved every line!

3 Stupid Things Men Care Too Much About (When It Comes To Finding A Wife)

Reddit r/niceguys might give you a little light into how this comes off.

There is so much fucked up stuff about your post, I don’t know where to begin.

Honestly, I would be down for this.

Yep. We can't save everyone.

That means a lot <3

It's a weird dynamic.

Same. Sigh...

5 Things You Should Ask Before You Pursue A Side Hustle

I think you have the wrong article, but I'll explain it.

“Some People Just Don’t Want To Help Themselves:” How True Is This?

If men find that I aged like milk, they can feel free to miss me with that shit lol

I actually agree.

I mean...if you find oral sex as control, I think you either missed the point or need help.

Come to think of it, you're right! Thanks for teaching me something.

Vinegar Valentines Are The Victorian Trend That Need To Come Back

I’m married, but okay. Thank you for proving my point.

So, my mom is Eastern European and my dad was Texan. I'll say this much.

Thank you for proving my point!

I should talk about my old chatgroup circle

I have always wondered about Freemasonry.

Oh, I understand.

Modeling is always something that needs to be treated as a springboard or as a way to advertise…

I love, love, LOVE those guys!

Oh, no, I understand the male perspective.

Bingo. Negging example!

If they were, we wouldn't be alive as a species.

It's strange, because a lot of men don't realize how much work it takes to maintain a relationship…

It's so painful to see some of those interactions. I honestly understand why so many men are angry.

It's surprising to me, too. But, when I caught on, I was like WTF...

Why Do So Many Men Pose As Women Online?

Not at all.

Studies Have Been Done On Why Men Abuse…And The Answer Isn’t Pretty

I feel like I could have written this about my last job too. Are...are you alternate universe me?

You might be right. And honestly, the world needs real parents.

Favorite comment so far!

Men who try to shame you for that are the ones who would kill to regularly date others.

This is just one more reason why I'd never date again if I end up divorcing or becoming widowed.

Unfortunately my mind has been made up.

See, if they were funny and cool like Dale Gribble, I’d be cool with them.

I always wondered where Snoopy got that line…

I’m trying to keep on chugging. It’s a bit rough at times, but it’s still epic!

I would love to hear about Appalachia.

This means the world to me.

A Special Note To My 6,000 Followers

You couldn't have said it truer.

The Real Truth On Why Your Friends Didn’t Tell You That Your Ex Cheated

Dude, why do men do this? I legit can't understand it.

I definitely want to put the offer on the table with her dads.

I’m from NJ.

Oh, I’m going to do one for dads. Also men who want to adopt alone.

Saying my arguments are "entertaining" and calling me pet names is VERY disrespectful.

Today, I Realized My School Experience Is Nothing Like My Daughter’s Will Be

It sounds like you just want to be disrespectful. I'll block you if you do that again.

Unfortunately, I'm from Jersey. Going rate for a dog here is $1500 or so.

When it gets to the point where my apartment is a dealbreaker for a senior chihuahua, I have to…

Are you a mom?

Condescending tone aside, I really don't think that societies in other countries are this bad.

Relationships are expensive.

Please stay away from women.

5 Fucked Up Things Society Does To Mothers

It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea.

I tried to get my car stolen after it was shot in a drive-by. They left it alone. I feel that.

I love hearing encouraging words from the older crowd. I often assume that means I’m doing right. ❤

Same, man. Same.

If that’s what you want for your life and you’re open to the consequences, I’ll raise a glass to…

I've noticed that lower middle class and lower working class people tend to have kindness drilled…

I worked at Vocal and at Rebel Circus.

7 Signs That You Grew Up In Extreme Poverty

PREACH! This author is giving you a high five!

I am not old enough to figure out if it’s always been there.

How The YouTube Movie “The Backrooms” Makes You Shiver

Yep, I'm all for buying now. Never thought I would be, but hey, it's better than nothing.

Here’s Why You’ll Never See Me Adopt A Pet

Then please stay away from women if you think we’re the enemy.

Sinead O'Conner was done dirty by SO MANY Irish institutions.

You know, you might be right.

The Word “Simp” Is Proof Of Why So Many Guys Are Single, Fellas

See, if you tell girls you need space because of unrequited feelings, most of them will be…

I honestly think you're onto something.

You nailed it. Guys need to stop acting like women are entitled over this shit.

Do You Have Side Piece Energy? Here’s Why Taken People Keep Hitting You Up…

Have you considered an art meetup? You sound like an awesome dude.

You're missing the point completely.

Yeah. It's why I tend to avoid girls with large Instagram followings.

Here’s Why Mean Girls Are Popular In School(It Surprised Me.)

The Vril Society: The Funnel From Conspiracy Theory To Alt-Right Isn’t New

You're not wrong in most cases, but some women still want to be married.

I Ate Lube For Money: A Weird And Surprisingly Difficult Side Gig Of Reviewing Sex Toys

I'd befriend you!

5 Signs He’s Not Serious About Marrying You

I was a total whore in my youth---often not by choice.

I always wanted to live in San Fran. Is it as magical as the songs from the 60s make it sound?

Michael, you are the first person I ever met who had a good online experience.

It happens.

I've had decent threesomes, but it's a rare mindset to be in.

It’s Not Just You: People Are Picking Friends And Lovers Based On Instagrammable Looks

I'm 33, almost 34.

Kind of, but it is also a differemt aesthetic.

You know, this probably is what it is.

I had a very unique education. Even read about Xenophon.

I 1000 percent agree. It's painful to watch.

This was beautiful.

That's coming soon, actually! <3

You're absolutely right, and for that I apologize.


I'm pansexual. I'm attracted to people in general.


5 Signs You’re Actually Doing Really Well In Love (Even If It Doesn’t Seem That Way)

Heck, if you want a friend, I’m here.

How To Fix Things After A Threesome Goes Wrong

I always ask myself how I'd want to be remembered if I died today.

Online Dating Is Starting To Die Out. Good Riddance!

Yep. I think that, when you're that low in life, you don't WANT to listen to others.

That doesn't sound quite like the ones I was watching.

It's okay if you want to promote.

Look at the number of men dropping out of the workforce and the myriad articles about men failing…

Trust me, there was no real love there.

Oh, I really should do a thing about Mormonism. That's a full bucket of worms, so to speak.

Well, that and dating has proven to be pretty bad for women and people who present as such.

I mean, I married the best. I couldn't be with anyone else after him.

Honestly, if you are good, then your wellbeing is really what you should focus on.

Yo, this shit kinda happened to me.

Unpopular Opinion: Some People Are Just Not Destined To Have A Squad

Is that why I had stuff thrown at me?

You have no idea how misogynistic you sound, do you?


Eating clubs for the win!

That's interesting.

Yo, same. I wish I sued.

You don’t have to be a psychologist to see a pattern.

Exactly what do you want me to say?

What stuns me is how shocked they are when you walk away from that.

You know, I'm actually kinda curious about that myself.

The Older I Get, The More I Yearn For The Toxic Culture Of My Childhood.

I'm glad that you had great experiences with them.

I just realized how that sounded. I was actually making a remark about goths versus preps. My bad!

Jordan Peterson is not a good guy in my opinion.

Oh! A friend of mine went to Oberlin. Good school.

Unpopular Opinion: We Need To Get Rid Of Greek Life

CC Unit is my favorite, but I’ve also seen good ones from Predator Poachers and People v Preds.

Are You Selling Your Soul For Your Partner?

Honestly, I've been a shitty date to people as well as a shitty partner.

A "demon black woman?"

A "demon black woman?"

You know, you have a point. Remorse and guilt don't usually happen.

From what I saw, this is pretty spot on.

I was one of those people.

You speak words of wisdom, my friend.

I grew up in a yuppie town. It was...a thing. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Man, I love cats. They're awesome.

This is so true. And trust me it burns me up.

Yes, You Can Model As A Side Hustle. Here’s Why You Might Not Want To.

I'm not a quiet person.

Why Sales Is One Of The Worst Side Hustles I Ever Tried (And The Only Exception To This Rule)

If it gets to the point that a woman walks out away from men, it's the men's fault for pushing her…

Honestly, if women have to wait for a man to not be a prick, that reflects on men more than it does…

The Sad, Bitter, And Honest Truth About The Friendzone

Holy shit...This

Former addict here.

My husband is 10 years younger than me.

10 Small Things You Can Do To Improve Your Social Life

It might be more of an urban thing. I’ve seen it happen a lot in the suburbs of the city.

Trust me, there are often a lot of things even my own words can't quite eludicdate about the human…

I Watched Dozens Of “Predator Catching” YouTube Videos. Here’s What I Noticed About The Offenders.

The “Broken Man” Epidemic We Need To Talk About

I was expecting to hate this, but the truth is that I really appreciate what you're saying.

I get where you are coming from, but you might be surprised to hear that I’ve had the same problem…

A Lot Of Men Are Really Desperate For Women, And Abuse Them Because Of It

It sounds like this is a case of emotional incest.

“My Wife Divorced Me Over Video Games!”

Here’s Why The “Dead Internet” Theory Seems So Real

As much as you miss her, she’s wreaking havoc on your life and your mental health.

If only we could have that formality and mannerism vibe without the misogyny and white supremacy...T

And for the record, I'm married.

Ah right. Calling women crazy for not wanting old dick. Got it. Have a good one!

10 Things Every Parent Should Tell Their Daughter (But Usually Won’t)

Do you realize how bad you sound?

I think a lot of these are just part of being here in life. We all have these moments.

It's scary how normal it's becoming.

Trust me, women are better off without men like you.

Does Anyone Else Miss How Formal And Polite Things Used To Be?

If the solution you have is to have women bend over backwards for men who do nothing and don't even…

I'm now happily committed.

If you think women are "used up" by their 30s, you should not be with women.

To be fair, if you hate feminism and hate the fact that people have the right to say no to a…

Also thank you for proving my point about the need to control the dialogue!

I don't know if you watch Tuca and Bertie, but "SEX BUGS!"

So...there's two of us? Oh my god, how did the world not explode yet?!?!

Monmouth county, too, eh? Yep. That place is a shithole. I hate that area with a passion.

I wrote a whole article about women who are dropping out of the dating scene.

I no longer speak to any of the people who triggered me to the point that I acted out.

Of course!

YO! I am from Jersey too, and I can confirm that it was dangerous AF to be alternative back then.

I worked at Vocal in-house. It definitely fucks with your brain.

Personal experience.


Did you know me IRL?

For a while, I was the aspiring rapper, except not.

Have you considered reaching out for help? NHS has good programs, at least compared to the US.

There is sexual love and romantic love.

Trust me I've been there! Much love!

It’s why there are more people oversharing and acting out.

That pressure always existed, but not at this level.

10 Warning Signs Of Someone Trying To Baby-Trap You

Very true.

I used to be.

The pill saved my life.

Foolproof Signs That Someone Is Deeply Upset With Their Life

If You Call Women “Used Goods,” You’re Not A Good Man

If us complaining about shit behavior is so troublesome, you should not have a problem staying away…

So you view women as "hand me downs?" So we're objects. Cool. Stay away from women.

Women are not rehab centers for broken men. That's why women shouldn't try to be fixers.

I feel this so hard.

I felt this hard.

At the time when I was 18, being an elite escort meant NO tattoos.

I should make one for men, shouldn't I?

She me that data, then. No pseudoscience sites, actual studies from accredited universities.

Did you ever think it's because women got shit tired of dealing with men who are insecure about…

That's why this article was written.

I actually wrote about how porn messes with people in Chasing Sirens. You might like that piece.

If that’s what you want, then you should be thrilled about it. Congrats on the fuckzoning!

I am Interested @ossiana.tepfenhart

The older I get, the more I realize you may be right.

“He Didn’t Want A Wife. He Wanted An Accessory That Made Him Look Good.”

Can we be friends? You made me blush and smile reading this.

I'm guessing you also saw my article about women choosing to stay single?

Thank you for proving my point!

Thank you for proving my point!

Here’s Why She’ll Hook Up With You, But Not Get Serious With You

Amway and Primerica are both brutal.

I like the cut of your jib!

They paid off their tuition bills with escorting, then used leftover money for either a PR agent or…

I Grew Up Cult-Adjacent. I Know Why White People Love Cults.

Critiquing some men isn't man-bashing.

It's not a biological need, marone!

I've been Sarah and have had vicious rumors spread about me.

8 Subtle Signs That You’re Hanging Out With Old Money Socialites

A friend of mine got them when she was 22. It looked really painful

Oohhhhh I know those types.

It's definitely not a full rule, but there is a general trend for addictions to end around 30 among…

How The British Royal Family’s Motto Changed How I Handle Sh*tty People